Thursday, December 31, 2009

Internet Services Connecting People around the world

Internet services connected to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) or for services like the World Wide Web (WWW), Internet and email services, file transfer protocol (FTP), Telnet or Internet. Internet services offer us the opportunity to communicate with other computer networks and to combine data on income. This is possible by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP / IP). There are also various options and technologies that might be useful to the Internet, such as dial-upConnections and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL).

The World Wide Web or WWW, is an Internet service, the server system to manage distributed hypermedia documents, such as using the Hypertext Markup Language, or HTML. This is the method of presenting information where selected words or phrases in the text are links to more information. These links to other documents, graphics, video or audio files. File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, on the other side, oneInternet service, you can use to send, receive, and files across networks. There are several Web sites and applications that provide FTP services, you can use to move and store files inside This is also the Internet service to transfer files that are used for web sites publishing.

Internet Service Provider, or ISP, but also provides the Internet access provider is a company, individuals and businesses seeking access to the Internet. There aredifferent types of Internet service providers, including:

Online services - such as American Online (AOL) and Microsoft (MSN)
National Internet providers - such as EarthLink and Mind Spring, large enterprises, access to the Internet over a wide geographical area
small and independent ISPs - are local or regional markets

Here you will find the best Internet service provider, all your needs from various companies that meet this type ofInternet Service. You can actually start to come through it with your computer or you can ask experts in this field, to help you.

Once you have decided to use the Internet service provider, the next step is how to access your ISP with Internet access and Internet access. There are several ways to access the Internet, and these are with:
Dial-up - this requires a phone line, a modem and an ISP connectedComputer
ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network, a sort of dial-up with a higher speed, but more expensive
DSL - Digital Subscriber Line, such as asymmetric DSL and symmetric DSL
Cable - Internet via cable is used on coaxial cable for cable TV connected
Carrier animals - consists of many layers of speed
T1 - Level 1 - very expensive, but slowly
T3 - Part 3- Very fast and very expensive
T2, T4, T5
Optical Cable - with speeds up to 1 Gbit


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The transition to a new ISP

Suppose that are registered with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) if you are still relatively new, these are Internet-order. Changed over time, we began to understand that is not expressed on all the promises in the early stages. For some reason, their service is not what you want. Or worse, what if your ISP is terminating shot so that even without a host.

I know how stressful to the surface, but relax and know that you are not thefirst customer will be placed in one of these situations. It happens every day, hundreds or even thousands of users. Survived, and with the emergency plan right, so can you. The transition to a new ISP / Web hosting provider or who is not as scary as you might think.

Probably the most important thing you must understand and implement this moment is the backup. Data backup ensures that no matter what happens on your site or dataYour Web server space is always a current up-to-date copies of files available in case of emergency, and believe me when I say that emergencies happen. Server and not lose information in the vicinity ISP you recover. They always have a backup plan!

With your backup in hand and your previous negative experiences with the current ISP to begin searching with your newfound knowledge to the forefront of the mind. Now, you know, ask the right questions.

Whatare your needs and bandwidth, which package provides the ISP to make them fit? Depending on where you are, DSL, cable modem and digital broadband are all possible. The great advantage of these options is that they tend to use existing phone lines or cable lines. A word of caution based on DSL, however, the connection speed can vary depending on the distance from the source to be local, so sure, calling the nearest source for you and how it affects your connection, and Speed.

The two most important parts of a service of phyical ISP network connection (the parties) and the network connection (the part of you) the ability to surf the Internet or send and receive mail. Your ISP probably uses a Wide Area Network (WAN) to provide to provide connectivity services to its customers. The largest WAN is the Internet itself. To find a reliable ISP WAN and percentage high availability.

Finally, ask your potentialTo get> ISP concrete answers about their customer support options. Ask for references and make sure the client - before they have a problem - which is your ISP to respond to questions quickly and to your satisfaction.

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Britain is in the Broadband Slow Lane

A recent study of broadband users has revealed that 44 percent of the customers are always only half the speed promised by your ISP for download 's. The study, a survey of 43,000 people, 61% of them chose their ISP because of the speed with which they were promised. The problem is caused by ISP 's advertising for the maximum download speed possible, but in most cases, these speeds are only in selected areas.

The telephone network is Britishresponsible for the construction of homes of millions of broadband users. Most of this is to use the traditional copper wires that were not originally designed to cope with the transfer of data is carried out at high speed. Britain is seriously than the rest of the world when it comes to broadband speed. BT is trying to invest 10 billion euros to upgrade the network in Britain, but it seems as if it may take many years to follow the leaders of the world, like Japan and couldFrance.

We are rapidly becoming a nation of addicts of downloads, with the number one choice to download music launch games, movies, and follow pod. With the growing number of people, the increasing amount of data downloaded, the speed is always the most important factor when choosing your ISP.

Rob Barnes, head of broadband is a price comparison site said: "As most are only half as fast to get registered, a typical film of 500 MB can store up tofour hours to download, instead of 60-90 minutes. If you have downloaded a podcast of 50MB, is expected to be discharged within 10 minutes if you use an 8-MB line at speeds below this could wait until half an hour.

"When the download culture to grow further, the speed of broadband is most important. Fortunately, OFCOM has decided to release six of the largest ISPs in hand, watching the speed that advertising, and what people actually .From this consultation, the supplier must be kept clear and transparent advice on people speed give to be able to reach, perhaps an examination of how O2 broadband, as part of the process when I am on a new contract. In the meantime, I'd be all those who download large files such as films, wants to opt for a combination of 16 MB or more with unlimited download capabilities to recommend. Suppliers, such as broadband, Virgin Media and Sky Broadband offer this. "

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Monday, December 28, 2009

The best way to trace an e-mail

It is quite common, a disturbing, unwarranted and unworthy of e-mail message from an individual and the people who do not even know you. Sometimes you get to see them and ignore them, after a reading from the front row. Other times they are simply annoying, and then delete it immediately cursing the whole time. Others have the heart to get the guilty, but not both will have the ability and the know-how to maintain such an individual. Worse still, if you have received a greatthreatening to send a message that in fact a shiver down my spine. When push comes to shove, to save lives, it would be to get help, how to get an email address that person so that he can meet with the authorities and pay for all the emotional trauma that he or she has caused lane.

Previously it was difficult to find the person who started mostly because he has not received any advanced technology on-line, these people. But as is currently seeking new and reverse-mail isa tool developed for the person, collecting less information, in fact, the lowest IP address of the person. As for the reverse lookup e-mail I can not tell you the details you may require, it will certainly provide more conclusive pit the boy, even if it was hidden deep in the oasis in the Sahara desert. This service is still quite new and still in further development, but overall it was shown that both the success andflexible.

Investigation of the guilty person go to find the ISP address, was the medium used to search for these people nub. But after a while ', and many failed attempts, the method has been used with no replacement until the introduction of reverse lookup e-mail waiting. The problem with the research provider was that it was too long to find the person and the person has long had almost caught up with a new ISP address was gone. The disadvantage of otherwas that it was necessary to pay suppliers necessary for the long term, to solve the case was too expensive. Therefore the software that was used is inadequate and inflexible, unable to stay with a very deep research and powerful ISP compatible. We can say with certainty that it was the reverse lookup e-mail is a kind of savior, to say the least.

How does the opposite, it's big and powerful, armed with more powerful software, an e-mail record is now so simple that kidscaught in the process I've always wondered what really really happened. The resources you can use the lower end of the study go to the entire conspiracy and mail-out as soon as possible. If you are so anxious to get the bad out of the back, it's time to come to us for the best weapon to eradicate them.

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Voice of an ISP Port25 Block Using a Modified config sendmail

When you try to send your newsletter from your home computer with a desktop mailer Studio mailbox, you may be frustrated by your ISP. ISP of the majority, to limit the number of e-mail you can send in a day or even every hour. The solution is always a hosting account with POP / SMTP to receive the privileges and use this server to send e-mail. However, the large ISPs are now blocking access to port 25, the door to transfer electronic mail, unless your server.In essence, they say that you must use our server to send mail, and we can only so many e-mails a day. Sometimes you can use your Internet Service Provider (not AOL!) Employment, and can stop, usually only if you agree to receive a corporate account, rather than a residential account Remove. But what happens if you do not have this possibility?

If the remote server based on Linux, and you have root access, you can actually change the configuration of sendmail to listen to the mail to more than onePort. Sendmail is the default MTA (Mail Transport Agent) on Linux web sites in recent days. There are two ways to do this, depending on the configuration of sendmail.

The preferred method is the file sendmail M4 configuration file using a high level. The server must have the sendmail-cf package installed. If you have an m4 file is in / etc or / etc / mail and be called Edit the file and locate the following line:

DAEMON_OPTIONS ( `Port = smtp,Name = MTA ') dnl

Insert a new line, and add

DAEMON_OPTIONS ( `Port = 9925, Name = MTA1 ') dnl

Save the file and compile with

m4> / etc /

Now you have two demons Mailer, one of them to Port25 and one on Port9925. You can change the port M4 files to a port which is free and available through the firewall.

You can also directly edit the file, but this is dangerous, even for experts. And if your web host has aPanel for the addition of new domains, any changes made to. CF can be overwritten. Here, after full disclosure, is how you do it.

Edit the file with vi or emacs. Search for "daemonport. You see a line like:

O DaemonPortOptions = Name = MTA

Comment on this with # and add these two lines instead:

O DaemonPortOptions = Name = MTA, Port = 25
O DaemonPortOptions = Name = MTA1, port = 9925

Save the file and use sendmail. restart or/ Etc / rc.d / init.d / sendmail restart

You can check if it works (and even if your Port25 is blocked) via Telnet.

Open a command prompt and type: "telnet servername 25" (user of the server) instead of the server name. If you connect a connection, you reach the sendmail greeting and you are not stuck on Port25. Enter "quit" exit

Telnet on port 9925 again You should now see the SMTP greeting banner. Congratulations, you can bypass the blocking ISP, but itnot finished yet. Now go into your email program and the SMTP port to 9925 In Outlook Express this card can Account Properties Advanced page to be found. I hope that if you can use an autoresponder, you, the port and server, you can define send e-mail.

It 'also possible, if not something similar be hosted on a Windows server, but in reality is more complex and is beyond the scope of this article.

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Build your website - A simple guide to make

Everything you need to build your own website, is a computer system, a dedicated connection to the Internet and lack of knowledge of HTML. HTML is the language that is used to build your own website. If you create your own website, you will find that is an extremely simple, but it may be too complicated, if you're not going to correct any phase of the construction process.

It makes no sense, a website high technology have expected if you have no web space to host your site in. The search for agood web hosting company is very important. In order to ensure that you are all in place the fundamental from the beginning.

Before we start building your website, you must first make sure you have all the right equipment and information and to initiate and move forward at full speed. There are some things you need to build your own website, namely a computer, a modem of some type, internet access via an ISP, a lot of web space, FTP Software,Software for writing HTML, and the choice of an optional domain name.

The most important things that you need, while creating their own website a good computer and a modem. The modem has access to the Internet, so you can display, distribute and publish the site. The computer is the tool for creating, storing and backing-up your website.

Do not forget the advantage of a game that can provide the Internet service provider, like a free domain name and web companiesRoom. It would be a good idea to visit the provider's web page and see all the stores that offer.

In addition, you also need a web authoring software. You can create and edit files on your site by adding it. You can also find the need for a secure FTP software to transfer your files, you will be on site from the computer server to host Web, where people can see them.

Web hosting is also a key element in creating a website. A web hostingCompany for a computer or a laptop or a server that is present in a lonely place, with a stable access to the Internet. This server will help you to save pages of the website to show them all on the World Wide Web

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Friday, December 25, 2009

How to connect multiple computers to a broadband Internet connection

Broadband or high-speed Internet connection is what many users are currently in use in their home. Along with high-speed Internet, many users can also use a router to connect multiple computers to the Internet. This document describes how to use a router to connect multiple computers. Easier to understand, I will use when you live as a comparison to how the computer is connected to the Internet.

What is an IP address?

IP addresses are a series ofFigures nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn in the form: nnn is the start of a three-digit number. An IP address is unique for a single computer in a network, just like at home, has a unique address. Provided a connection to the Internet, an IP address from your Internet service provider (ISP's). In some cases, your ISP may have more than one IP address, which you can connect to multiple computers. As we shall see later, however, you can connect to multiple computersa single IP address.

Connecting a single computer

Connecting a single computer to your high-speed Internet is very easy to do. Simply connect a network cable to the modem and then into the network card in your computer. The computer will be assigned an IP address from your ISP. For example, if your ISP assigns you the IP address, then the IP address of the computer.

If you have a request to a server, for exampleWeb page knows the web server, the IP address that made the request. The information is then sent via the Internet and back to your computer. This is similar, if someone sends mail to your home. The address on the e-mail can be delivered at home and not elsewhere.

Multiple computers

How can connect multiple computers, if only one address is assigned? If you know an application of a web page, how it works, what kind of computer is necessaryPage? Let our home analogy a step further. Suppose, instead of living in a house that you live in an apartment. If someone sends you e-mail, not only address but also an apartment. This figure is inside your house apartment and each apartment has its own number. Similarly, multiple computers can connect to the Internet when they are there own local IP address. This can be managed by a router.

A router is a piece of hardware,connects directly to the modem. Each computer is then connected to the router instead of the modem. Now, instead of the computer with the IP address from the provider, the router is now assigned the IP address provided. This is comparable to the router via the apartment.

The beauty of a router is that you can assign your own local IP addresses. If you get a computer to the router is now one of the router's IP address, similarly classified, as the individual Apartment has its own number. If we now make a request to a Web page, the request is sent to the provider the same address, but this time is to assign to the router. If the Web page is returned, the router receives the request and sends it locally on your computer, the requested page.

The router also has its own local address, which is the local IP addresses of computers alone. So now the router has assigned more than two addresses: one for an external one if your> ISP, and one local, who has made available. This allows the router to connect to the Internet and local network.

Note: The address are special IP addresses for local area networks (LANs) are reserved.

Managing a Web or FTP server on the network

Let's take a look at this scenario. You have a router that connects multiple computers to the Internet. But now you want to create an FTP or Web server. No problem. The installer software is needed onComputers on the network, "said someone outside the network, the local IP address of the FTP server and try to get in touch. Then he discovered that he can not connect. Why? Like something someone just list Please include your home and no address.

The IP address assigned to your computer on the network. You can connect with other computers on the network, but not from the Internet. You need your ISP assigned IP address(assigned to the router) to have someone from the Internet to connect to FTP server. The problem is that the router assigns the IP address and the computer, and as an IP address must be unique, as two computers can share the same IP? The answer: you can not, but it is not.

Routers are able to provide information on a port to a specific computer to be transmitted. A port is a channel numbered according to which data can be sent to a network. You can not physically see, as it is aChannel length of the virtual network used for sending / receiving data. For FTP servers the default port is 21, but another port can be used.

Open the router configuration and look for the option of port forwarding. Enter the internal IP address of the FTP server and the port number and then save the information. Now, if a user tries to access the FTP site must rely on the ISP assigned IP address for the router. The router will then establish that the data senton port 21 and then forward it automatically to the FTP server. A web server is setup the same way, but the default port is in Rule 80;

Note: By default, a router dynamically assign IP addresses to computers connected to it. This means that the first computer is connected to the router for the first available IP address received, and the next will get the second, and so on. If you assign an FTP server for management, may be easier to have a static IP address on your computer in order to ensurethe FTP server is always the same IP address.

This article describes how to connect one or more computers to an Internet connection. It 'important to remember the following:

If you have a computer connected directly to the modem, so that the computers are assigned the IP address from your ISP.
When you use a router that the router assigned the IP address from your ISP. Every computer connected to the router receives a local addressRouter.
Router, the IP address of the provider and a local IP address. This allows you to connect to the Internet and network connections.
When you set up a computer as FTP, Web or communicate with other servers on the Internet, it is important to use the IP address of the router to access the server. You must then send the necessary port on the server.

For more information, please read the blog technically simple.

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Satellite laptop

Many times people are wondering what in the world, technology and creativity when it launched a new innovation, not only a great success, but development was carried out in reality, the satellite TV for PC notebooks.

E 'encouraging to see and cheer the heart, that the days of television that such invoices, bills of satellite and cable quickly disappear gradually with the introduction of satellite TV for your laptop.

Wherever you are geographically located on the ground,You can finally see a sigh of relief, portable satellite tv for the many benefits that will connect the entrance and well.

Not only the body is quick and easy, you get a chance to see all your favorite TV shows and channels to listen to radio stations and digital channels of choice, movies, music shows, talk shows and soap operas, news, sports, big games and playoffs, etc., just to name a few.

The three key things you need to setSatellite television is simply a portable computer system / laptop, internet connection (preferably a broadband connection or a high-speed modem is recommended) and software download and install on your laptop.

A laptop allows you to purchase (if not already) have in any computer store or online, which is in your area.

An Internet connection is possible if you are with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to register in yourLocation.

Once you meet these two requirements, you're ready to download the software for portable satellite TV. All you would need now is to pay a single fee, up to and that's it. There are no recurring bills to settle again.

Satellite TV on your laptop with software installed, you can finally enjoy all your favorite TV shows and radio stations around the world and in many languages (including English, Spanish, German, Arabic, French, Italian,Russian, Dutch, etc.) for your heart and happiness.

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What to do if you are being harassed via e-mail

The vast majority of Internet users receiving e-mail spam. However, some people received more junk mail, harassment, may also occur. Receive an obscene or threatening e-mail can be very worrying, especially if you have more of an experience. They should not be overlooked cyber offensive, because this is not a standard form of spam.

What should you do? There are several ways e-mail harassment. Here are some suggestions:

- No answer - no answere-mail, since only encourage further nuisance messages.

- Delete - If this is your first message, or you have received many messages, but they all say the same thing, probably just spam, simply delete it and mark the email as spam.

- Forward the message to the relevant ISP (Internet Service Provider) - If you feel an email to offend, they often receive, or constantly trying to catch and remove trash, you can always get the ISPs tothe sender of the e-mail annoying. To find and contact the ISP to locate the host domain name from the email address of the sender in the "From" or "willing to answer" fields ( IE. They should then pass the message forward with the complaint or

In the event that the e-mail is false, it is still possible to find out which ISP the e-mail header. Once access e-mail header (access toOften different for each e-mail program) is usually the domain name as follows: "Received: from" /

- Contact your network administrator - if you have received harassing Cyber-mail through your corporate e-mail, you must immediately inform the administrator of enterprise network and let them handle the situation.

- To perform a reverse email - If you can discover the real e-mail through the learning of their domain names host, a reverse e-mailSearch directory to find out more the individual and see if you can find out who harass.

- Contact your ISP - If you're not sure what to do or how to solve the problem go Confused, you can apply to your ISP for assistance.

When you contact your ISP anyway? Yes An Internet Service Provider immediately act as they want both their business and IP (Internet Protocol)Numbers. An ISP is to immediately terminate the account of the offender, and according to the situation even further on the legal matter. ISPs will not tolerate abuse of their services to consumers for malicious purposes. Therefore, do not give other spammers and harassers are empowered to do what they want. Back to fight with effective methods.

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Monday, December 21, 2009

You Can Get Around ISP Shaping and Still Watch TV Online

Throughout the world, ISPs have found that a Bit Torrent taking toll on their networks and have begun to restrict traffic, especially during peak hours. What does this mean for the average user that is used to download torrents from slow or even worse, all during peak hours. It also means that may not be able to see your favorite TV show, if you want. TV There is an alternative: on-line through streaming technology.

What is the design,exactly?

Shaping, in short, is the limitation of certain traffic. This can occur during peak hours or all the time. How do ISPs will depend on their technical, but focus only on items that share the load on their network and Bit Torrent is now high on the list, since they share the load on networks. For example, Comcast in the United States still allows anonymous users to download shows, but do not allow seeding. Whereas the AtlanticLimited bandwidth broadband effectively slowing Download Bit Torrent. They are good in their own right to do so, because it is supported for all users during peak hours, in particular, were able to restrict certain traffic.

Ignore how do you move?

There are several ways to work around the design, actually. The first option is to encrypt the torrents to trick the ISP. Cluey takes to do this, but it is possible. The other option is to find aalternative way to view data on your computer.

Streaming view of the provider and because like any other.

Without being too technical, on an ISP streaming video looks like normal traffic. Use the computer language, known as Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is very similar to the HTTP protocol, using the majority of websites in one form or another. Why is it so similar, is not to focus on how Bit Torrent. For all intensive purposes, streaminginvisible to the ISP, and then fly under the radar.

What are the disadvantages?

There are some drawbacks with streaming, because it is an alternative technology. At peak hours, at the same time, ISPs are shaping their traffic is crazy, it is possible that the picture is jerky or low quality. During peak hours this should not be a problem.

How do I use to watch streaming TV online?

There are two ways that you can use for streamingWatch online TV show. The first is on the website of the network, if you're in town for the show. The other way is for a client, which is actually very similar to use with a client for download via Bit Torrent. After the client on your computer, you can change the channel you want to choose to see. The big advantage of going with a client is that you can watch TV programs on-line and in real time, and are not limited to the country of origin. Be careful, though, there are two types ofCustomer for approval of the methods used and torrenting is a peer-to-peer TV or P2PTV known, and the other is a client streaming. He who care for them because it is such, it receives about the project.

Streaming is probably the best way to design your ISP if you want to watch TV online. If your ISP does not restrict circulation, should this alternative, and I'm sure will be back the TV shows you want to see.

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Free ISP - Do You Know How to Get Yours?

Back in the dotcom days when dial-up Internet connections were everywhere were free ISP offers inevitable. The deal was that of advertising, while the computer was considered to be connected to the Internet, and in return you get the internet connection for free.

The increase of more expensive and technically complex, broadband connections, but it has killed almost all of this business model. Some ISPs are free, but they are fighting. Only demographics, which are unwantedDial-up customers using today, making it almost impossible for them to advertise their inventory than they want to sell.

However, it differs considerably from country to country. In America, for example, free ISPs such as Juno and NetZero still holding market share, particularly thanks to its vast geographical distances between cities so that broadband is not practical in some places. AOL dial-up, although not free and not very good, even surprisingly dominantthe American market.

Many European countries, on the other side are in the middle of the broadband price war with some telecom providers like TalkTalk UK offers free broadband phone service as part of its strategy. This broadband is often of dubious quality and customer needs, subscribe to phone service with the provider, but in the hands of others, is not an intentional feature any advertising or paralysis of the services in a way that many ISP dialupdid.

However, in future we could in the direction of a return to free Internet service provider, with the advent of wireless networks. By sending radio signals, essentially free, except the cost of equipment, and as wireless technology improves, it will be cheaper, entire towns and villages, with wireless broadband coverage. E 'possible in the future, subscription-based providers might well die, to be replaced by local governments andDealing with the authorities, Internet access, in the same way as water and waste disposal.

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Friday, December 18, 2009

Optimize Vista 1 - Speed Up Internet performance significantly

Many Vista users have problems with slow Internet connection, and the cause is probably unsupported hardware or ISP itself. To resolve this problem, you have your Vista for better compatibility and speed optimized. I will show you 6 ways to repair your connection:

Method # 1 - Disable TCP Auto-Tuning.

Vista is smart enough to automatically and continuously adjust the 'TCP / IP for maximum throughput, but this role isintroduce charges too much for some hardware not supported for some time, you must manually configure the TCP with SG TCP Optimzer and disable Vista TCP Auto-Tuning.

Method 2 - Installing Web Accelerator.

You can try Google Web Accelearator commercial or other Web accelerators, such as nitro or ONSPEED. Web Accelerator is basically a web proxy server with compression. It will compress a connecting tunnel between your computer and the Web server to create, at allItems before this improves the speed of navigation.

Method # 3 - Use a static IP address.

This method does not work to improve the speed, but accelerates the time to make your computer connects to the router.

Method 4 - Use OpenDSN.

They ISP DNS server can not respond fast enough, try OpenDNS to improve your web-site reaction.

Method # 5 - Increase the cache of DNS.

You must know the registry first DNSIncrease the cache. What this means is any query to the caching DNS server so that next time when you revisit the site, the response is immediate. Therefore, the web page, the cache more, more quickly when he turns.

Method # 6 - Disable IPv6 and others.

You should disable all unused log, you can not slow down the additional overhead to your Windows.

To learn more about setting up different, please download a copy of "Unleash Vista PowerHelp Express and register for a 3-day mini-course.

(C) Copyright 2008 Kok Choon - free to reprint this article in its entirety, as long Feel like all links and author resource box.

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Internet Dial Up Access Numbers

Dial-up Internet is the cheapest way to connect to the Internet. Even if you use the latest in high-speed Internet access technologies such as DSL and cable are now rising, the dial is still a good choice, it is sometimes the only option for people in places where 's access to broadband technology is not yet available. Moreover, it is ideal for connecting to the Internet for people with a limited budget will need an Internet connection.

If you are interested inDial received, you will see that there is a fairly large number of Internet-service provider of dial-up. The choice of the best of the internet service providers can be a confusing task. The best way to do this, first make sure that your needs and your budget and then find the ISP that these requirements satisfactorily. When researching an ISP dial-up, there are many factors to consider.

In addition to services that are provided with a dial-up serviceand billing capabilities, important questions to keep in mind is that Internet dial-up numbers. The access numbers are the phone lines are needed to be able to connect to the Internet. Make sure that the ISP offers local access numbers. In this way you can avoid costly long distance charges.

If you need to travel, ask if your ISP has access numbers for a variety of positions. Some ISPs have a number of free access. Do research onISPs are considering. Some search engines offer access numbers on their websites. Enter your phone number, and give you a list of available dial-up access numbers you can use in your area. You can also dial-up Internet service provider customer representative for more information.

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Internet Home Monitoring Alert

There is hope for consumers in your position. Internet technology and broadband connections are changing the world and the alarm industry is changing with it. You can now own full-featured alarm system, a phone can not do the monitoring. This technology allows the system is controlled directly through the broadband connection will be to work with VoIP.

What does this mean for you that you can get an alarm system controlled and not pay for a phone call to.If you are one of the millions of consumers contemplating the elimination of using the telephone line, but do not want, because the security system offers the technology means that the ditch additional expenses and still have the ultimate protection home that you need and .

These systems work through a router, direct to your Internet connection. This allows wired or wireless internet at work, so do not worry if you are strictly wireless. FurtherAdvantage of this type of connection is the fact that most monitoring companies use this technology routinely query the connection to ensure that it is active. One answer is an event triggered idle (status of alert), if not one, but you will be notified. This lets you know that the Internet connection is not working properly.

(For those without a wired broadband Internet via satellite), there are promising developments in this area. Onceis completed, these systems work exactly as described above, but working with your satellite provider, rather than through a traditional ISP. The future of security at home is very bright.

With the rise in the number of monitoring capabilities in the course, new technologies to market and other configuration options, has never been a better time to exploit the game with an alarm system home. With a little 'research you may find that one easily with yourRequirements, if you have a phone or not.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Keep your Internet connection to DSL or Cable Service Troubleshooting

One of the most common problems among internet users is testing their
Internet to identify the problem. There are a large number of Internet users who use DSL and cable modem services.

Set your connection, like your ISP (Internet Service Provider), a commission. Sometimes it works, for many reasons.

Their service is not ready, the hardware is connected properly, or problems with your ISP.

Regardless of the cause ofProblem, perhaps, there are some diagnostic tools you can use in Windows XP to identify the problem.

If you are not exactly in the diagnosis, there will be a good idea, anyway.

Before coming to the diagnostic tools that allow us to discuss what is involved in a connection to the Internet.

The information travels over the Internet to your computer via the service provider of Internet services. This will be installed by a high-speed modem has a network card in your computer has.

YourComputer called the host, give your service
The IP address of DNS server, and you will receive your login and password. This is everything you want from your ISP.

Sometimes, the Internet connection fails, and if you want to find
problem. You can solve the problem, or at least get a little '
About the problem, consult your ISP for help.

We begin with access to the command prompt, then clicking on:

Start Menu, Programs,Accessories, then Command Prompt. Window
when you open the command at the command prompt.

At the command prompt, command prompt, type: IPCONFIG. This command gives you the active network connection on your computer. Here's an example:

PPP adapter Copy:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix. :

IP address. . . . . . . . . . . . :

Subnet Mask. . . . . . . . . . . :

Default Gateway. . . . . . . . . :

TheThis edition was created when I run the ipconfig command on my computer running Windows XP and a DSL connection. The IP address of my computer from the address assigned by your ISP.

Please note, you can create an option to add this command to get detailed information about the connection. The output when I ran the same command with the
Option "All".

Ipconfig / all

PPP adapter Copy:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix. :

Description. .. . . . . . . . . : WAN (PPP / SLIP) Interface

Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-53-45-00-00-00

DHCP enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No

IP address. . . . . . . . . . . . :

Subnet Mask. . . . . . . . . . . :

Default Gateway. . . . . . . . . :

DNS server. . . . . . . . . . . :
NetBIOS over TCP / IP. . . . . . . . : Disabled

Note now that the output includes thePhysical address of the network interface card installed in my computer. In addition, you will see the DNS IP addresses. With the information above, I have no problems.

Should I keep my DSL connection and ran the command again, this is the new record:

Ethernet LAN:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix. :

IP address. . . . . . . . . . . . :

Subnet Mask. . . . . . . . . . . :

Default Gateway. . . . . .. . . :

Note: In this case, when I disconnected my connection, do not get a DNS server. This shows that I'm not connected to the Internet.

Also note the IP address starts with 192.168, the address of default, if your computer is not connected to the Internet.

Another command is the ping command. Examine to determine if a computer is connected to the network and wish to communicate, whether intranet,
or the Internet.

Once you start, youa packet to the computer specified and gives the travel time to the package. This is a one-out, when I tried to ping

C:> ping

Ping [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes = 32 time = 35 ms TTL = 55

Reply from bytes = 32 time = 39MS TTL = 55

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0%Loss)

Approximate round trip times in milliseconds:

Minimum = 35ms, Maximum = 39MS, Average = 38ms.

This shows that the host could be achieved, and connected to the Internet.

A command is very important Nslookup. So that you can verify that DNS (Domain Name Server) correct. The function of the DNS server IP addresses of domain names of computers on the network to translate. Here's an example:

C:> nslookup


Non-authoritative answer:




Then, enter the name Nslookup, enter IP addresses and vice versa.

In summary, there are several commands in Windows XP, with the three above commands, but it should be a good idea for problems with your Internet connection. You can find where the problem occurs. IsYour car or Internet service provider.

Thank you,

George Chamoun

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Is the IP address Reveal my Physical Location?

"Someone may have the position of a user (name, address, etc.) simply by providing their e-mail or an IP address? The reason I ask my kids some games online and these sites sometimes have a chat area, where players can talk to each other during the game. I tracked my children in some way? "

Are you invisible online?

It 'true that your IP address is not a secret. This is an important part of Internet communication protocols to send your IP address when you connect to another site, Request a web page, chat, an online game, etc. Without your IP address, the computer at the other end does not know where to send the reply.

But this does not mean that offenders can find your house if they know your IP address. Every time you go online (if you have dialup) or each time you restart your computer (if you have cable or DSL) you will be assigned an IP address assigned randomly selected from a pool of IP for your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

A person may also be able to get a general idea of geographical position, for example, through your IP address, doing a search on the WHOIS database, but only that they meet the physical location of the provider - not your address.

And if you have a large regional or national ISP, shows IP Lookup, probably nothing interesting. For example, if you're an AOL subscriber, your IP address to find the location of Dulles, Virginia show - regardlesswhere you live.
If the bill is A Knockin '

Of course, there is an exception to the rule. If Joe or Jane User calls your ISP and wants to know who is with a certain IP address last Tuesday, providers say their disappearance. But if an officer of the law hands your ISP a court order provides that the information disclosed must do so. The log provider will be able to identify with the customer on a specific IP address to a specific date and time, and wasmust demonstrate that information, if a court has found probable cause for the fact that a crime was committed by that person.

But for the true paranoid (or the criminal inclined) there are ways to surf the Internet anonymously. The Anonymizer service will act as a proxy between you and your ISP and say that the data is not mentioned because they save it.
What about e-mail?

The concepts for your e-mail. The part after the "@"Character ISP 's domain name. And to determine, given the domain name can be the physical location of the provider ', but nothing personal identification for the users e-mail without a warrant.

Web-based email accounts are not truly anonymous, either. Even if you do not use your real name when registering, they can monitor your IP address and trace through your ISP, if necessary.
Other considerations

It 'much more likely to be revealed to you or your childrenTheir physical location the old fashioned way - by just blurting it out. The children who are remembered, or chat online to play often because they should never reveal personal information including their name, phone number or address.

Oh, and if you have any spyware or virus on your system, all bets are off. These things are intended to violate your privacy. If you need help with the system scan for spyware, adware and other unwanted pests, see my article How do ITo avoid computer viruses? and Spy, Counter-Spy ( for details on how to protect themselves from these hazards.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Part I - Tier 1 and Tier 2 Bandwidth Provider - What to choose for a solution of the bandwidth

I should have said "it depends".

The first question you should ask is: "How is the Internet bandwidth will be used?" Let's say the company has a very large clientele, and that your company has hosted a website, the provided application services for customers. Would in this case, you probably want to use the same ISP (probability that an animal 1) that your client uses. In most cases, will provide the fastest (in terms of Internet router hops) from PC to your customers for your businessMega-site with your Internet provider IP network - because your customers do not cross-package public peering points (NAPs). (I have only this offer is unlikely, for example, to illustrate a point)

Another scenario is more likely that your company has several remote sites, who wanted to connect via VPN. In an ideal world you want to install remote access to the Internet from ISP site. This is again so that the number of router hops between theRemote places and the seat of the site on the Internet, will be minimized through points of peering out, and latency is minimized. If the branches are distributed in the United States, you must think of a Tier 1 ISP service for all your remote controls. If the hands of others, remote sites at the regional level, a strong regional level 2 ISP can offer better access, lower prices and better peering with other regional providers.

Of course, Another important aspect is the flexibility of the Internet service provider "last mile" to provide the connectivity options. Can the ISP to grow with you? You can start with a single T1 Internet connection, which grows to two or three T1s in a Multilink PPP. In which the ISP can take from there? It is an optical fiber networks in your building (in support of a DS3 or OC3 or Packet over SONET) an option? Is redundant connections with different fibers forwarded an option? How far is your company fromPoint> provider of Presence (POP)? If the provider of access to the fiber in your area, or would be installed?

I hope I have started to make a case that the bandwidth and price are not the only things to consider when choosing an ISP.

Note that if you MPLS connectivity to the sites of other companies to use to connect to the Internet, QoS is not really come into play. An SLA on the other hand, is always a good thing to have - especially if you useMission-critical applications for your company (or client) of your company. And probably not a bad idea to get the financial health of the provider as well.

All that said ... Here's a simple reason for the selection of a Tier-1.

Tthe simple answer is that the Tier 1 providers Pier privately with each other and how to expand their connections needed to support its customers and to transfer Internet traffic that are mutually reinforcing. Tier 2 and still earn belowBandwidth of the Tier 1 providers to traffic to and from the main providers of Internet backbone, the Tier-1 represent the movement.

In essence, hops, and have less potential bottlenecks, the better the solution provider is your world and the largest of the spine and the connections under all Internet service providers, the better the communication and performance expected power.

Now, of course .... this is what I do need your business 'and' for?

Tier 2 suppliers cangood service, but if you want to create a multi-WAN site and all locations are given in the same Tier 1 service area, its hard to see how it is able to obtain a more reliable would be a network provided by an animal -1. Any failure would have been maintained by a supplier ... It's really great the fall in level 2 vendor: packages will be riding someone else's glass or copper for the last mile of the journey. What happens, usually where 90% + of problems with an MPLS configurationJump out ... between the environment and CO CPE at the sites.

The bottom line .... Much depends on what type of service you want and where.

To help you walk through a decision on a solution of bandwidth ... I suggest taking advantage of the free assistance available from

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Internet Security and VPN Network Design


This article describes some key technical concepts, with a VPN connection. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) integration of remote workers, companies with subsidiaries and business partners over the Internet and keeps the encrypted tunnel between sites. An Access-VPN is used for remote users to connect to the corporate network. The remote workstation or laptop will go into a circuit of access, such as cable, DSL, or use local wireless Internet Service Provider(ISP). With a client-initiated model, the software on the remote workstation builds an encrypted tunnel from the laptop to the Internet service provider to use IPSec, Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) or Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP). The user must authenticate as an authorized user VPN with your ISP. Once completed, the ISP builds an encrypted tunnel to the corporate router or VPN concentrator. TACACS, RADIUS, or Windows servers, remote users authenticate asEmployee is allowed access to the corporate network. This term, it must authenticate the remote user, then the local domain Windows servers, Unix servers or mainframe hosts, depending on where you network account. The ISP has launched model is less secure than client-initiated model, because the encrypted tunnel from your Internet service provider to the enterprise VPN concentrator or VPN router built only. In addition to the secure VPN tunnel is being built with L2TP or L2F.

The ExtranetPartners will combine the company VPN to a corporate network by establishing a secure VPN connection from the business to the enterprise router VPN router or concentrator. Used, the specific tunneling protocol depends on whether it is a router or dial-up remotely. The options for an extranet VPN routers are connected IPsec or Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE). Extranet use dialup connections, L2TP or L2F. The Intranet VPN will connect companies with offices in connection with asecure connection with the same process as the GRE or IPSec tunneling protocols. It 'important to note that what is VPN makes it very convenient and efficient, is using existing Internet companies to carry traffic. Consequently, many companies are choosing the IPSec security protocol of choice to ensure that the information will travel safely between the router or laptop computer and router. It IPSec 3DES encryption, IKE key exchange, authentication and includedMD5 authentication, route, authentication, authorization and provide confidentiality.

Internet Protocol Security (IPSec)

IPSec operation is significant because it uses a security protocol is dominant today, with the virtual private network. IPSec is specified by RFC 2401 and developed as an open standard for the secure transport of IP over the Internet public. The structure of the package consists of a header containing IP / IPSec Header / Encapsulating Security Payload.IPSec provides authentication and 3DES encryption with MD5. In addition, there is the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) and ISAKMP, the distribution of secret keys between IPSec peers automatic devices (routers and concentrators) for sale. These protocols are necessary for the negotiation of one or two security associations so. IPSec security association is an encryption algorithm (3DES), the hash algorithm (MD5) and a method of authentication (MD5) together. To use the access VPN implementations3 security associations (SA) for each port (transmit, receive and IKE). A corporate network with many devices IPSec peer is a trusted organization to be used for the scalability of authentication, instead of IKE / Pre-Shared Keys.

Notebook - IPSec VPN Concentrator Peer Connection

1. IKE Security Association Negotiation

2. IPSec tunnel setup

3. XAUTH request / response - (RADIUS Authentication Server)

4. FashionAnswer config / Acknowledge (DHCP and DNS)

5. IPSec Security Association

Access VPN Design

The VPN is a lever on the availability and low cost of Internet connectivity for the company central office with WiFi, DSL and cable access circuits connecting the local Internet Service Provider. The main problem is that companies should be protected as they travel over the Internet from laptops telecommuters basic office of the company. A client will be launchedused to build an IPSec tunnel from each laptop client, which ends in a VPN concentrator. Each laptop is configured with the VPN client software to run on Windows. The teleworker must authenticate before dialing a local access number, and authentication with the ISP. The RADIUS server for any dial-up as teleworkers authorized. Once this is complete, the remote to authenticate and authorize users with Windows, Solaris, mainframe or serverRestart all applications. There are two VPN concentrators, which are configured for failover with Virtual Routing Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) one of them should not be available.

Any merger between the router and firewall external links. Prevent a new feature with the VPN concentrators denial of service (DOS) attacks by external hackers could affect the availability of the network. Firewalls are configured for the IP address source and destination are allowed, theeach teleworker assigned by a default interval. How good is each application of the protocol and ports on the firewall, you need permission.

Extranet VPN Design

VPN Extranet is designed to allow secure connection from any commercial office central office. Safety is the primary goal, as the Internet to carry all the traffic used by each trading partner. This is a circuit connection from anyBusiness, which is a VPN router at the center of the company to finish for the office. Each firm and its peer VPN router at headquarters to use a router with a VPN module. The module provides IPSec encryption hardware and high-speed packet before being transported over the Internet. Peer VPN router of the company are dual-core home office several multilayer switches for the left diversity should not be one of the links will be available. It is important that the movement ofa business does not stop at another sales office. The switches are among the internal and external firewalls to connect public servers and external DNS server is used removed. This is not a safety issue, as external firewall to filter Internet traffic.

In addition, you can filter all network switches will be implemented also to avoid the routes from being advertised or failures to have business relations with the exploited toKern Office multilayer switch. Separate VLAN for each network switch will be assigned to each company in order to improve the security and traffic segmentation subnet. Level 2 external firewall will examine each packet and to allow companies to source and destination IP address, application and protocol ports they need. Meetings with business partners need to authenticate with the RADIUS server. Once completed, it will be the authentication of Windows, Solaris, orMainframe computer before all applications.

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Free ISP?

Yes, there is no such thing as a free Internet service provider or Internet service provider. An Internet Service Provider is a company, access to the Internet, usually for a small fee. However, you may be surprised that St. Free ISP 'If you're wondering if I refer to disks you receive in the mail that will offer Internet access free for 30 days, think again. The ISP' s, I speak not only offers a free trial version.

So how> ISP 's to offer free Internet access? The answer to this is not surprising. In fact, advertising is the funding source behind many free products. For example, you can use many sites offer free MP3 downloads. But coming just as the free ISP, these pages with a large number of pop-up ads. In reality, these pop-up can be so many available on free internet access through the Internet service provider can be a real nuisance. You can even stallThe computer and make it difficult and frustrating to navigate the Internet.

In addition, that offer free ISP 's do not offer access to the internet or internet access in your area. If there is a dial-up number in your area, you have to go without it in certain circumstances. These providers can also use the amount of time you spend surfing the net. The height of the features that commercial ISP 's can be lost when it is released with a provider of Internet services. Most Internet service providers for their servicesagain and again, with new features. This is not the case of providers that offer free internet service. Free ISP 's can also be a bad connection interruptions that s. Business ISP '

If you're an ISP, one step away from a free ISP 's, the answer might be, in front of you. You see, many ISPs that offer free services to the Internet can also be a prize package for a low cost. InIndeed, it may be a way, with free Internet access for Internet service providers to attract customers. Once a customer sees that they can enjoy with your ISP, they decide to purchase unlimited access to them rather than their competitors.

Before accepting the terms and conditions of the provider, always make sure to read and understand everything. When you declare free access to the Internet to search for particular attention to your ISP is really with the freeInternet access is expected to have. They also want to make sure you know how much of your time with the Internet is limited, if this is the case. Want to search for any additional costs or long distance charges that may be your ISP.

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Monday, December 7, 2009

ISP Interconnection

ISP Interconnection

Just as their customers pay them for Internet access, ISPs themselves pay upstream ISPs for Internet access.
In the simplest case, a single connection is established to an upstream ISP and is used to transmit data to or from areas of the Internet beyond the home network; this mode of interconnection is often cascaded multiple times until reaching a Tier 1 carrier.

In reality, the situation is often more complex. ISPs with more than one point of presence (PoP) may have separate connections to an upstream ISP at multiple PoPs, or they may be customers of multiple upstream ISPs and may have connections to each one of them at one or more point of presence.

[edit] Peering

Main article: Peering
ISPs may engage in peering, where multiple ISPs interconnect at peering points or Internet exchange points (IXs), allowing routing of data between each network, without charging one another for the data transmitted - data that would otherwise have passed through a third upstream ISP, incurring charges from the upstream ISP.

ISPs requiring no upstream and having only customers (end customers and/or peer ISPs) are called Tier 1 ISPs.

Network hardware, software and specifications, as well as the expertise of network management personnel are important in ensuring that data follows the most efficient route, and upstream connections work reliably. A tradeoff between cost and efficiency is possible.

[edit] Virtual ISP
A Virtual ISP (vISP) is an operation which purchases services from another ISP (sometimes called a "wholesale ISP" in this context[1][2]) which allow the vISP's customers to access the Internet via one or more points of presence (PoPs) owned and operated by the wholesale ISP.

There are various models for the delivery of this type of service. The vISP can provide network (internet) access to end users via access nodes owned by the wholesale ISP (e.g. dial-up modem PoPs or DSLAMs installed in telephone exchanges), routing network traffic itself to its destination.

[citation needed] In another model, the vISP does not route any end user traffic, and needs only to provide AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) functions, and may additionally provide "value-add" services like email or web hosting using its own facilities.[citation needed]
The service provided by a wholesale ISP in a vISP model is distinct from that of an upstream ISP, in that a vISP in most cases only provides a means of connection for the customer with an actual backbone/upstream ISP handling the routing and transmission of data, while a wholesale ISP handles both in one case; they may however be one and the same company or strongly affiliated, with the vISP being the customer front-end, while the actual backbone provider is a subsidiary or affiliation.

A vISP can also refer to a completely automated white label service offered to anyone at no cost or for a minimal set-up fee. The actual ISP providing the service generates revenue from customers using the service, and may also share a percentage of that revenue with the owner of the vISP.

[citation needed] All technical aspects are dealt with by the ISP providing the infrastructure, thus leaving the owner of the vISP operation with the task of promoting the service. This sort of service is however declining due to the popularity of unmetered internet access also known as flatrate.[citation needed]

[edit] Free ISP
Free ISPs are Internet Service Providers (ISPs) which provide service free of charge. Many free ISPs display advertisements while the user is connected; like commercial television, in a sense they are selling the users' attention to the advertiser.

Other free ISPs, often called freenets, are run on a nonprofit basis, usually with volunteer staff. There are also free shell providers and free web hosts.

"ISP" redirects here

"ISP" redirects here. For other uses, see

ISP (disambiguation).

An Internet service provider (ISP, also called Internet access provider or IAP) is a company which offers their customers access to the Internet. The ISP connects to its customers using a data transmission technology appropriate for delivering Internet Protocol datagrams, such as dial-up, DSL, cable modem or dedicated high-speed interconnects.

ISPs may provide Internet e-mail accounts to users which allow them to communicate with one another by sending and receiving electronic messages through their ISPs' servers.
ISPs may provide other services such as remotely storing data files on behalf of their customers, as well as other services unique to each particular ISP.