Friday, December 18, 2009

Optimize Vista 1 - Speed Up Internet performance significantly

Many Vista users have problems with slow Internet connection, and the cause is probably unsupported hardware or ISP itself. To resolve this problem, you have your Vista for better compatibility and speed optimized. I will show you 6 ways to repair your connection:

Method # 1 - Disable TCP Auto-Tuning.

Vista is smart enough to automatically and continuously adjust the 'TCP / IP for maximum throughput, but this role isintroduce charges too much for some hardware not supported for some time, you must manually configure the TCP with SG TCP Optimzer and disable Vista TCP Auto-Tuning.

Method 2 - Installing Web Accelerator.

You can try Google Web Accelearator commercial or other Web accelerators, such as nitro or ONSPEED. Web Accelerator is basically a web proxy server with compression. It will compress a connecting tunnel between your computer and the Web server to create, at allItems before this improves the speed of navigation.

Method # 3 - Use a static IP address.

This method does not work to improve the speed, but accelerates the time to make your computer connects to the router.

Method 4 - Use OpenDSN.

They ISP DNS server can not respond fast enough, try OpenDNS to improve your web-site reaction.

Method # 5 - Increase the cache of DNS.

You must know the registry first DNSIncrease the cache. What this means is any query to the caching DNS server so that next time when you revisit the site, the response is immediate. Therefore, the web page, the cache more, more quickly when he turns.

Method # 6 - Disable IPv6 and others.

You should disable all unused log, you can not slow down the additional overhead to your Windows.

To learn more about setting up different, please download a copy of "Unleash Vista PowerHelp Express and register for a 3-day mini-course.

(C) Copyright 2008 Kok Choon - free to reprint this article in its entirety, as long Feel like all links and author resource box.

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