Sunday, December 27, 2009

Voice of an ISP Port25 Block Using a Modified config sendmail

When you try to send your newsletter from your home computer with a desktop mailer Studio mailbox, you may be frustrated by your ISP. ISP of the majority, to limit the number of e-mail you can send in a day or even every hour. The solution is always a hosting account with POP / SMTP to receive the privileges and use this server to send e-mail. However, the large ISPs are now blocking access to port 25, the door to transfer electronic mail, unless your server.In essence, they say that you must use our server to send mail, and we can only so many e-mails a day. Sometimes you can use your Internet Service Provider (not AOL!) Employment, and can stop, usually only if you agree to receive a corporate account, rather than a residential account Remove. But what happens if you do not have this possibility?

If the remote server based on Linux, and you have root access, you can actually change the configuration of sendmail to listen to the mail to more than onePort. Sendmail is the default MTA (Mail Transport Agent) on Linux web sites in recent days. There are two ways to do this, depending on the configuration of sendmail.

The preferred method is the file sendmail M4 configuration file using a high level. The server must have the sendmail-cf package installed. If you have an m4 file is in / etc or / etc / mail and be called Edit the file and locate the following line:

DAEMON_OPTIONS ( `Port = smtp,Name = MTA ') dnl

Insert a new line, and add

DAEMON_OPTIONS ( `Port = 9925, Name = MTA1 ') dnl

Save the file and compile with

m4> / etc /

Now you have two demons Mailer, one of them to Port25 and one on Port9925. You can change the port M4 files to a port which is free and available through the firewall.

You can also directly edit the file, but this is dangerous, even for experts. And if your web host has aPanel for the addition of new domains, any changes made to. CF can be overwritten. Here, after full disclosure, is how you do it.

Edit the file with vi or emacs. Search for "daemonport. You see a line like:

O DaemonPortOptions = Name = MTA

Comment on this with # and add these two lines instead:

O DaemonPortOptions = Name = MTA, Port = 25
O DaemonPortOptions = Name = MTA1, port = 9925

Save the file and use sendmail. restart or/ Etc / rc.d / init.d / sendmail restart

You can check if it works (and even if your Port25 is blocked) via Telnet.

Open a command prompt and type: "telnet servername 25" (user of the server) instead of the server name. If you connect a connection, you reach the sendmail greeting and you are not stuck on Port25. Enter "quit" exit

Telnet on port 9925 again You should now see the SMTP greeting banner. Congratulations, you can bypass the blocking ISP, but itnot finished yet. Now go into your email program and the SMTP port to 9925 In Outlook Express this card can Account Properties Advanced page to be found. I hope that if you can use an autoresponder, you, the port and server, you can define send e-mail.

It 'also possible, if not something similar be hosted on a Windows server, but in reality is more complex and is beyond the scope of this article.

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