Monday, January 11, 2010

E-Mail Marketing - Warning Signs You Have Outgrown Your SMTP server

E-mail marketing continues to be a viable alternative not only to advertising and marketing of products offers its customers to grow, but also as a way for a dialogue with customers who continue to keep working and going to websites. To increase this combination offers, advertisements, newsletters and begin your monthly e-mail volume. E 'at this point that some of the challenges of sending mass e-mail on the Internet, starting, especially on e-mailare among the major Internet providers like Yahoo, Hotmail and AOL. We begin to realize that you have in infrastructure that may not be enough time, the level of the process of e-mail is. Your e-mail is always in queue for hours or a few e-mail delivery stops always adhere to the Hotmail address. When this happens, you may need to consider upgrading to a new level of commercially available software for e-mail.

One of the most important parts of a system of e-mail marketing is the SMTP --Server. Why is this server is so important? The SMTP server or MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) is the engine for sending mass e-mail system. This server receives e-mail your application by e-mail marketing generates, is intended to provide the e-mail domains to and provides transportation and delivery of these messages to different e-mail domains, based on the list. Without the SMTP server, your e-mail is not from your own site. Photo of a group of United Nations handed over the envelopes that are on the table onlybecause there is no postal sorting and delivery to their destination. In the early days of e-mail marketing, as the quantities were much smaller, many people turned in their internal mail servers such as Exchange, or they are freely available SMTP servers such as Sendmail, Postfix or Microsoft IIS SMTP server.

But with the use of e-mail for advertising purposes and went, two things began to happen. One was that built in-house email systems for personal e-mailCommunication began to break, because they were not built to manage large amounts of bulk e-mail. Secondly, the freely available SMTP server was not able to provide adequately with the challenges, sending mass e-mail to the main consumers of ISP domain. These challenges include the handling of e-mail bounces, reducing e-mail to specified areas, and support for e-mail authentication standards including DomainKeys, DKIM, ID, and SPF.

Here are some signs to look for problemsBy

Long delivery

One of the main reasons for you to long delivery times even for a thousand different e-mail is the experience that the SMTP server is not easy to compete with the burden not only the analysis of your e-mail, but also with all DNS queries that must take place during childbirth. A second reason you may experience long delivery times is that your ISP gives you is to return your e-mail. E-mail will be delayed for severalReasons: 1) the combination of your To, From and IP address are not familiar with the ISP, such as an anti-spam technology will move temporarily to e-mail from your IP address and 2) the SMTP server sends e -- - Send to a vote, which is on the threshold of Internet service providers, allowing them to temporarily move back e-mail from your IP address.

Will not be delivered mail to certain domains

When e-mail is addressed to a specific domain, such as or notdone, so this may mean that your ISP has set your IP address on a blacklist. This can happen for several reasons. One reason is that your e-mail generated too many complaints from users, to see people your e-mail will be classified as spam. Another reason could be that your e-mail constantly at a rate above the threshold of the ISP. A service provider may choose to reject your IP address on a blacklist by IP and e-mail, provided that, if you determine that a spammer can be based onFree samples. A third reason could be that you send too many e-mail Bad to the ISP. If the list contains valid e-mail, and then continue to send bad email addresses, an ISP, you see a spammer and put your IP address on a blacklist.

E-mail responses stagnant or decline, while the volume increases

The law of averages would expect that a certain percentage of responses for the total number of entries, the number of basicResponses would increase the same percentage as the volume of email grows. If you are seeing a decline or a lump sum as an e-mail volume grows, you can indicate a general problem that exists in the delivery of your email system. The decline in deliverability can be caused by some or all of the problems discussed above. A total of delivery of e-mail may depend on many factors, including the use of authentication standard e-mail, DNS configuration, your shipmentFrequency, the quality of your list, and the regulation of your e-mail within the guidelines of your ISP.

These problems occur once your e-mail approaches several hundred thousand to several million per month. Freely available and inexpensive to support SMTP servers were never engineered a high level of e-mail delivery problems or about the delivery of e-mail for ISPs more important. Imagine a look at the enterprise level, available on the market or an SMTP serverHosted SMTP relay service provider, which were built for the needs of both high efficiency and ability to deliver high to protect your e-mail marketing investments.

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