Saturday, January 23, 2010

How to provide space for caching content

To estimate a technician called me recently to the storage capacity for the cache of the Internet. The coach is a part of a team that is creating the Internet gateway for an ISP in a small country in the Middle East.

The technician was very limited numbers available to do the dissipation necessary. He could express the question is very simple --

"The providers will be able to serve 40,000 users. What should be the storage of dataAbility to caching content? "

As part of the team that SafeSquid Content filtering proxy that expands often get this kind of query, with one major difference. Most are formulated as questions - "We have a tube of X Mbps Internet What is the recommended space for caching efficient?"

Sensible advice for a query can be obtained if we allow some hypotheses, and focus on some simple facts.

1. Only the content downloaded over HTTPcan be cached.

2. The maximum speed can be retrieved with the contents of the tube depends on the Internet.

3. There are a lot of HTTP traffic, the United Nations in the cache, for example - streaming audio / video, the pages, the results of other SQL queries, including query-driven search engines, and HTML content in web mail.

4. The main content that is cached HTML pages, embedded images, style sheets, Java scripts and other files that you download andrunning on the local desktop or another application to display ads, such as PDF / Flash (some) files.

5. A simple request to display a Web page that automatically triggers a normal browser, download a variety of content, such as cookies, images and other embedded objects. These are necessary for the browser to display the page, as for the design of the page. All components that can represent the web page, not necessarily "sources" of the website that has served the requestWebpage.

6. Modern Internet browsers, caching, state that the user is manageable, and has so much as the principles of caching proxy cache design. So not, any substance or object is necessarily required. Yes, but these browsers will depend on the availability of local memory on client systems and usually no more than a few hundred MB. And in any case, these local cache can not be used between different users.

7. Probability of having Internet resourcesdifferent load, depending on time of day, in peak times and in peak hours.

So, if we have a tube of the Internet is 10 Mbps, the maximum amount of data that we can (data transfer)

= 10Mbps x 60 seconds = 600 Mbits of data in a minute

= 600 x 60 = 36,000 Mbits of data per hour

Now assume the company uses a transmission bandwidth for QoS reservation for each pre-application (or protocol). In general, applications such as SMTP and VPNthe lion's share, almost 50%, and the rest is distributed between the HTTP / HTTPS, and others.

But I know very few people who would invest in pipes, designed exclusively for SMTP and / or VPN, and a separate (cheaper) connection to the Internet for HTTP / HTTPS.

If the company has chosen, it web server host at business premises is, then the entire program distribution has changed radically.

Even if the company is not an operator of bandwidth, which infirst come, first serve basis, we may still be managed by an estimated dose of transport on the basis of applications or protocols.

To build our algorithm could be useful with a concept - HTTP_Share, so that - HTTP_Share = x% of the pipe of the Internet.

Now that would HTTP_Share, the data on Max, who would transfer HTTP traffic

Therefore, the more our previous derivation of 36.000 Mbps of throughput per hour, if we take the factorHTTP_Share

HTTP_Traffic = x% data throughput

Now, if x = 35 (35% of the total data transfer for HTTP)

HTTP_Traffic / h (0.35 x 36,000) Mbits / hour = 12,600 Mbit / hour

Now suppose the company has off-peak and peak hours of Internet use, so that 40% of the day (about 9.6 hours) and peak hours, while 60% of non-peak days. Peak-hour days are the days when we would use our witness TOTALInternet line. And if we assume that the utilization rate exceeds 30%, ie the stress level during off-peak hours by about 25% of the peak, one can also estimate, based on the derivation of the above --

HTTP_Traffic / day = ((12,600 x 0.4) + (12,600 x 0.6 x 0.25)) x 24

HTTP_Traffic / day = ((0.4 x 1) + (0.6 x 0.25)) x 12,600 x 24 = 166,320 Mbits

This is looking for a model is very simplistic. More realistic would require a reasonable hourly rateStepping a suitable model of distribution is throughout the day.

Now we have to deal with the more difficult and more controversial!

What would be the relationship cacheable_content in HTTP_Traffic?

Based on my experience in various customer premises, I prefer to accept - 30%.

That would mean 166,320 x 0.3 = 52,617 Mbits of content that may be cached per day.

Standard practice is to store the content for at least 72 hours to (Store-Age).

Namely, we would need a deposit ofleast 49,896 Mbit.

Thus, a conventional 8bits = conversion 1byte, tells me that we need a deposit of at least 6237 MBytes

Another interesting picture is not visible, to be used during peak hours is that if HTTP_Traffic is used because the data downloaded from the proxy server view, it should be less than the data sent to the customer, and the difference would be the cache efficiency. This means that the cached content is used for the parameters would be to serve theCustomers.

In the discussion we have ignored the fact that the decrease in performance is not damaged due to factors like network latency.

In the method described, however, still no answer to the original question. As in the original application, the tube of the Internet is not defined. So I was pretty skeptical that such a calculation was never implemented, because it was the number of users) (customer, which has been defined, better known as my approach to Internet_Pipe. MyArguments and their insistence that the content can be stored in a fraction of the likely content of the HTTP download. And the maximum that can be downloaded to Internet_Pipe if you have one person or one million users. Tushar Dave of Reliance Infocomm, has helped me, the puzzle is complete with an interesting algorithm that has been presented as the missing piece of the whole puzzle!

Suppose your ISP serves its customers with256 Kbps connections, then for 40,000 users, it seems almost 10 Gbit / s requires Internet pipe.

But in reality that is never true in general (indeed it may be a reality for 40,000 users in ISP Commission with a web-pipe of less than 1 Gbit / s in most cases!). The ISP has never implemented for 1, while each user to receive at any time. This is called the OFF time is known, ie when a user is the content that is already available and visualization. ISP maywait at least 50% of leisure.

OFF-time can also go up to over 75% if your ISP is doing his service more personal and small businesses, which together with the Internet connection is not used by several users. Second, most of these user accounts are governed by a cap of bandwidth, for example, a user can choose to accounts that allow you download a few Gbs.

In the derivations above, we estimated the HTTP_traffic / day of pipe of the Internet, but now simply purchaseresulting HTTP_traffic / day from HTTP_Traffic expected per month.

Therefore, the estimated throughput over the tube be derived without knowing the Internet! And the derivation of the above is still valid!

So let's see if we can do some calculations (empirical, of course!)

connections = 40000

User_connection = 256 Kbps

HTTP_Share = 35%

ON_time = 50%

peak_hours = 60%

off_peak_utilisation = 25%

cacheable_content =35%

store_age = 3 days

PEAK_HTTP_LOAD (in kbit / s) = x x compounds user_connection HTTP_Share = 3584000

NORMAL_HTTP_LOAD (in kbit / s) = PEAK_HTTP_LOAD x ON_time = 1792000

HTTP_Traffic / h (Kbits) = NORMAL_HTTP_LOAD x 3600 = 6451200000

/ H (Kbits) Cache_Increment = x cacheable_content (HTTP_Traffic / hour) = 2257920000

Total_Cache_Increment / day = 24 x ((1 - x peak_hours

) Off_peak_utilisation + peak_hours) x (Cache_Increment/ Hour) = 2257920000

Requests for memory (Kbits) = x store_age (Total_Cache_Increment / day) = 6773760000

Request storage capacity (in Mbits) = 6,615,000

Request storage capacity (in GB) = 6.459,9609375

Date 8 bits = 1 byte, it seems that we need a little more than 800 GB of storage

However, I would requisition cacheable_content storage capacity for a possible increase in content downloaded from 35% () hosts maintainedstore_age least 3 cycles, ie 800 x 1.35 ^ 3 = 1,968 GB

The derivation above is subject to a right set of assumptions. But should, in the course of adjustments in price, very simple.

For example - if the connection is increased by 20%, 20% then we would need more space!

But, more importantly, allows anyone with my beliefs differ

but the approximation of the stocks.

It seems so easy nowWe thank Tushar.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

To choose leaders ISP

Companies have to look twice for the right ISP and home PC users. Entrepreneurs need to ensure that their ISP services to their businesses, such as profit, as the possibility of expansion in the future.

Although the term would have been natural for the cheaper option, considering the amount of people who have to go and how valuable tool the Internet is more convenient for them, not cut. If additional funds faster service, greater bandwidth and lessPay anger then, is better. The last thing I want is to go to the Internet and take the company in less than a week to provide it. Or, alternatively, the cheapest ISP companies can not carry, and walk alone, you go with your company.

Ideally, all problems internet problems the company should not sell and professional ISP ISP might make companies reflect a bit 'more, but from month to month without a hiccup, isworth. Ensure that the provider is able to give you exactly what your business requires. Control functions, like e-mail account, the options domain, connection time and speed.

Most companies will have different servers for Internet service providers to transfer to the customer. Check how many other customers are using your server. If the server is unable to handle the traffic, then go to the Internet. For large companies, asking that the routes they use. Ideally you want a T3 because they are moreefficiency and speed is better than a T1. T1 are good for use at home or, alternatively, small businesses.

Discover e-mail account. Although, if you sign up to register for a company of ISP you have, for example, 10 people in the company. But with the passage of time, could have 15 or 20 you need to find the provider to maintain and grow with your company. To be able to create additional accounts, without long waiting times is of paramount importance. Remember also that more peoplethat you need more bandwidth.

There are different kinds of ways to connect to the Internet, such as dialup, DSL, dial up etc., is not really a useful and effective for a company to stay in touch. It 'was one of the first systems in place and has not revolutionized since. Morse code would be similar to the device as a phone. Household, Dial-Up is ideal for downloading and sending e-mail and occasionally surf the Internet. For an entire society to such use System is impractical.

ADSL is faster for a great way for businesses to connect to the Internet. ISPs offering different degrees of bandwidth and speed is usually smooth and fast. Wireless is always a decent choice, but is more suitable for portable PCs then.

Select an Internet service provider for your business is not so much look at what happens now offer or provide for your company today. You need to look at what your company with the needs of tomorrow.> Society ISPs offer packages of different sizes, so even though you may only need a small or medium sized package must be sure that when the time comes, you can use a larger one.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

The prospects of opening of Wimax - An ISP Point Of View

The prospects for WiMAX technology as a viable business opportunity are also the subject of debate among the many challenges, real or perceived. Applying these innovative insights can disappear these issues and challenges.

Unlike the expectations of people in rural facilities, may direct the enterprises in urban areas. There are several reasons for this:

• This is a growing demand for the economy is to ensure traffic can be balanced by gangVoice, applications and uploading of large files.

• There is a small but growing demand for services separately last mile. Currently, however, many cable service providers have, everybody uses the office last mile infrastructure based on the location of the nearest telephone exchange if you have paid for an expensive dig from the nearest exchange. This leads to single points of failure and the possibility of business communication are, for the day, as it happened, that is with aConduct fire away somewhere in speech.

Environment worst-case scenario would be a very high density urban area with many buildings more disturbing is fiber optic networks, ADSL and SDSL in every exchange, hundreds of competing suppliers, a restrictive planning regime with many properties "in" the buildings, and no spare frequencies for FWA, except the public 5.8GHz band.

To do this, is how competition from other suppliers, the model to have a negative impact. Ithas to offer, the things that businesses need (such as QoS, VoIP, Toll-quality, high-quality video, bandwidth, symmetrical, increased capacity and network separation etc) at a lower price.

This means stripping all unnecessary costs from the model. You can enjoy a quality RF planning tool that gives you a big advantage over other operators - maps exactly where the antenna can service you offer the customer, etc bandwidth that can be achieved, according to the base station. Youneed to know exactly how to tune the base stations to avoid the danger spots - without a team of RF.

While Wi-Fi and WiMAX are often confused, are very different from a point of view of the operator. Wi-Fi is plug and play without any control by the wireless interface. WiMAX is no longer behaves like an ATM network carrier. Wi-Fi is built into laptops and mobile phones, while FWA WiMAX requires larger standalone receivers (the client should focus on rooftops for optimum utilty assembly).

TheAdvantage is that WiMAX is very spectrally efficient, at least 50% more than 3G networks, but that data is much higher carrying capacity in the limited spectrum. All parties Wi-Fi work the same spectrum of the public - WiMAX is a broad spectrum. Wi-Fi offers a service on a range of 100m, offering WiMAX meet your needs at 10Mbps over a range of 1.3 kilometers from a base station non-line-of sight.

WiMAX can provide carrier-class networks, Wi-Fi can not - even with mesh networks. However, with Wi-FiBackhaul WiMAX is some of the benefits of WiMAX as a backhaul, such as VPN. Many customers of WiMAX devices with built-in Wi-Fi Internet

Do not wait for mobile (802.16), WiMAX - their experiences with providers may be that they are about fourteen months to two years behind on the promised delivery date, and further delays occur, could the most important requirements. Do not expect good enough for 802.16 devices on a network with the end of 2007 to build the first and the CPE are not usableuntil 2008 - as is the mobile phone battery life is crucial and takes time to do it correctly.

They are big enough markets for FWA hours. The most important thing is to make scarce resources first tomb - Spectrum, etc. - and they sell. Except for the underdeveloped countries without a mobile operator, mobile WiMAX to be very difficult to determine against incumbents with large installed base since the sum of the areas covered, the customer - this is not aConsideration for FWA.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How to protect a wireless network

I use both wired and wireless in the house. I have the fortune of an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that provides up to three IP addresses. I connected the switch to my modem, router, and two (one wired, wireless and others) to the switch. Each router has its own IP address from my ISP. My desktop is connected to the LAN router and two laptops that connect a wireless connection. The laptop can connect to the router with a LAN network cable, if IAlso selected.

The biggest problem, I wanted to address during the configuration of the wireless network is security. I'm always skeptical about wireless security, but since I bought a laptop, I decided to try a wireless network.

There are many discussions about how to protect a wireless connection, some good, some bad and useless. This contribution will not go into details on how to change the router settings to save her, but will be discussed are those thatchanged.

Administrator rights - Important
This is important if you have a wireless or wired network. Ensure all access points) have access (points of a good strong password with the administrator account is assigned. If anyone can log into your router due to a weak password, the network can be compromised. You can also using the administrative ID and change it.

Enable WPA encryption - Important
This is probably the most important safetyMeasures to meet the security of wireless network. The previous standard called Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) was easy to decipher in 30 seconds.

The new Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is safe and will be activated. You must also choose a password that required for each computer to connect to the router. Choose an appropriate stage, the long, difficult to guess but easy to remember. Write somewhere so you do not forget, it is not. For assistance in creating a strongPassword, please read my post on how to create secure passwords. Follow the advice, but merely make the passphrase for longer.

The reduction of IP addresses - Important
Router, you can limit the number of IP addresses assigned to them. If you have a computer, have the router assign an IP address. If you have three computers, then the router should assign three IP addresses. This will not always prevent someone from entering your network, but if all computers are connected, the routercan not be assigned IP addresses to another computer.

Switching Router - Important
If you are away for a while 'to be, for example on holiday, just turn on the router. If the router is turned off, then nobody will be able to produce a connection while you are away. Do not lose the settings of the router, and easy when you come back.

Turn off SSID broadcast - Indifferent
This is a questionable choice on a wireless connection. Many people wouldargue that no SSID broadcast will help with security. My opinion is that there will be no real security. Those who attempt to access the wireless network can easily find the SSID to win, if it is passed or not. I also have problems connecting to a wireless network if the SSID is not sent, so I think the attitude on the air.

Use MAC Filtering - Indifferent
Similar to the transfer of the router's SSID, this is a controversialPeriod. An IP address is specific to a computer, a MAC address is specific to a network card in your computer. Enabling MAC filtering on the router only allows certain network adapter to connect to the router. Although this seems to be a good idea, can be a headache to manage the MAC addresses for all computers that connect to the wireless router. A skilled person will also be able to "spoof" (imitation) a MAC address, so that does not guaranteeSecurity.

There are many settings that can be changed in your router to secure your wireless network. This article has a lot of them are listed, and you can do all or only some. The following should be done to make sure the connection:

Change the administrator password and ID.Enabling EPA encryption.Reduce the number of IP addresses.

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Domain Hosting - domain hosting different types

There are different types of domain hosting you can opt-in to benefit from the services.

Here are some of the basic types, you can also select:

one shared) or virtual

This type of domain hosting is very popular among Internet users. Here is your domain name is registered to a particular server. The server is then in terms of different resources such as RAM, bandwidth, operating system, the CPU time from other clients of his or common, HSP ISP.

There are many advantages of this type of service. First, it offers the possibility of lower cost for the registration of domain names to enjoy. This is because the ISP or HSP tends to the number of customers on a single host server. This makes them to minimize the cost of maintaining the server and the amount of savings is passed on to you.

The service is best suited for small and medium sites with medium traffic. It 'very important to check with your HSP orISPs> and the actual conditions of service. To be able to understand the actual definition of "average traffic. This is because different HSP or ISP is different reference point.

b) Virtual Dedicated Server or Virtual Private Server

This type of service is halfway between the town and dedicated web hosting. The features would be provided similar to the virtual domain or shared hosting. However, these functions and aredetermined so that a certain portion of these funds for you. I'm the only person authorized to use these resources.

In short, all these resources would be readily available 24 / 7 is inserted for you. The percentage allocation of these funds is usually signed by arrangement with the ISP or HSP specific. There are many advantages of using this service. And 'cheap.

This is due to the fact that it would be able to access the enjoyment of allThe resources are made available for you. These must be used exclusively for you. The activities of servers are more stable. Hosting is a safe and consistent, as it is fed by the same amount of resources.

c) Free Web Hosting

The service is free. Nothing is free. The service is for small sites with low traffic volume as an experiment or as a suitable test platform. The main advantage of this type of hosting is free.

d) Housing

Suchto host a tendency to develop an efficient infrastructure and cost, where you can easily build your own build server at your ISP or HSP offer of your choice. The ISP or HSP connects to the server in their data center and network series.

The main advantage of this kind from a server that offers all, more flexibility and control in relation to the operation of the server and its resources.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Open Your prices reliable?

If the e-mail marketing has been started, using simple language, deliverability was good (this was before spam), the recipients were for information, which in turn has resulted in response rates have been good ... But over time, and spam has been fruitful, the measures have been taken from hunger ISP 'sa reduce spam. While all this e-mail marketing will increase its utility has become more sophisticated, catering not only for users of e-mail address staffing needs, but also for the marketing of sophisticatedfor better communication and more accurate.

Now, after years of relying on open rates for the success of a campaign e-mail (HTML, which is not specified in the text), many reports that prices have fallen now open. This is probably the first sign of the demise of email marketing? I do not think it is.

Yes, because the prices indicate low? Well, there are several possible reasons for this:
1: Freeze
2: When the junk mail folder supplied
3: Loss ofInterest

1: blocking images:

Gif are the most e-mail marketing software track opened with a clear 1 x 1 pixel, that e-mail, as it is open when the image loaded from the server. However, try as a precautionary measure to prevent spam, was for more pictures E-mail block free software and web-mail providers like Hotmail and Yahoo introduced. Preventing the blocking spammers images to know whether the recipient e-mail, which means the opening, soThe address is a valid address and active. Keeps uploading pornographic images.

These have had a significant impact on the effectiveness rates for opening e-mail marketing now. In October 2005 Ezemail conducted a survey which have the question: How often do you download pictures to ask? The results show the percentage of people who download the images (if their images through their e-mail client / ISP) are blocked. As you can see, you can not believe that the downloading of images andThis, in turn, means that you can not vote as a great value and a place open as before. CTR is one of the most accurate and reliable statistics.

The e-mail in the junk mail folder, where images are not displayed, either as a text version of the rule is only recorded broadcast. Regularly checked at a ratio of only 55% of users, spam to legitimate e-mail. False positives are still a major problem, in which many legitimate e-mail ends up in junk mailFolder. After 1/3rd say the same report, almost from the user that requests e-mail from trusted sources in your junk mail.

3: Loss of interest:

Of course, the decline in rates of initiation are not just about spam and blocked images can be driven - is another factor in the potential loss of interest - from the reader. Readers are increasingly selective about what they read, as more companies recognize theWorth of newsletters and e-marketing, there are more than choosing a player and the bar was lifted. Therefore it is essential to providing on incoming mail and relevant information.

If a preview window will not be used (see table below), so users reader 2 factors determine whether the e-mail will be opened: that is, by name (if you trust) and subject line (which is information look to us, or have an interesting subject line is?). And yes, if the images are selected,and put the e-mail in the preview window, the magnifying glass, then it counts as an open one.

In addition, they can already be entered using the block "sender" tool. This is done, instead of removal from the register. Seems to have the mail client and ISP acknowledged what many companies are not, it's all about the needs of its users. I believe that if the recipient wants to unsubscribe from the newsletter, which can and making it easy to do. Too often it seems that for a recipient to unsubscribe from the newsletter,have jumping, all for the privilege of not sending more Communcations. This has led the user under the easy way out and lock the beat of "sender".

Best Practice

Web Link: Be sure to include a direct link to the web version of e-mail. This means: "If you have problems with reading, click this e-mail, click here" to each other. This link, in turn replaced the rate is open and the receiver is used to receive SMS and e-mail with lockedPictures. Consider design: Consider the design and not through the preview pane of Windows will be fully taken with an image. You must use this space with headlines and teaser content to encourage the reader to open the e-mail and reading contuinue. This is what the recipient uses to decide whether to open the e-incentives. Whitelist Mail to: First, they need incentives to help you add the sender to their address bookthus overriding the blocking of their email program is in pictures. The only way to do this is through the provision of timely, good price / information / products they are looking for us. When added to their contact list ( "whitelist") involving a 2-fold, not because they only see the pictures, but they are also more likely to avoid the junk mail box. Incentives to open, if not loved, but you can add to your contact list, then you need to open and read these incentivesYour e-mail. Again, you can do this "must read" information in the preview window Add Alt tag to do: Make sure that Alt-tags to your photos and add, if possible, make sounds tempting, so the reader You can download the images as they are interested in the photos you've just described. However, keep in mind that many ISPs and email clients do not show ALT tags when images are disabled. (See table below), the design of tests, and without pictures: Nothingturn off readers faster than a poorly formatted e-mail. If images are blocked and the design is completely dependent on images, you can think reconceptualized your e-mail. Low Photo: Have you taken enough pictures of something and support your brand, but not too much, and certainly not have links to images. Test: For each link image, you leave, try to have a link to relevant text. Click Use to Use: Clicka much safer way to measure the success of a campaign. Make your campaign to get to choose the path through the donation, what does the reader, provide current and relevant. Unsubscribe Method: Using an easy to unsubscribe function, and not to prevent a manual or a complicated process, to which "blocked" in order to influence the accuracy of the statistics. e-mail client / ISP 's, the blockImages

Copyright 2006 Kath Pay

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Friday, January 15, 2010

How to set up a filter in Outlook Express

When I started my crusade against spam, I had assumed that most people can do things online with competence as a spam filter for Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express. It turns out that it is not afraid to adjust the default settings are always better throughout the majority of the population, or even could not find the time or inclination to engage in and there.

Fortunately, this is a very simple process, and even the computer more ESE challenged among us canobtain easily happen if we understood how it works. In this small how-to become an example of how to set a filter using Outlook Express, purely on the basis that this will open the program on my desktop as I type this.

There are two parts, a filter - a condition and an action. The state defines the set of circumstances that would trigger the action. The action is, of course, what happens if the circumstances described are true in the state.

The example Iwill be used is to delete messages with [SPAM] in the title. My ISP, once went through a phase a bit 'silly, do not remove spam - but labeling in the header and leaving the eliminations of us. It seems that she had a condition that all their customers to create a filter for the hundreds of messages [SPAM] marked that might suddenly get set up to manage. They were quickly put in order, but pictures of overload.

Then we'll create a simple filter in Outlook Expresseverything with [SPAM] in eliminating the Title.

Step 1: Click on the Tools menu. They choose and select news rule (click) to post ...
A small window will open with the new regulations message title, and three tabs. The mail ... Tab is selected.

Step 2: Click the new ... Button.
Another new window with the title bar of the New E-Mail article. There are 4 fields to fill in as a.

Step 3: In the first white box, click the square next to "where the subjectLine contains specific words ".
A checkmark in the box. You will find the 3rd note field becomes a little 'more in him, we are very much with that in the near future.

Step 4: In the second white box, click the square next to them delete them.
A checkmark in the box. The text in the third white box now as follows: applying the article after the message arrives, in which the subject contains specific words, delete. 'Contains specific words are bluestressed.

Step 5: In the third highlighted click the white box on the blue words "contains specific words'.
A new window will open with title bar, the words specific type.

Step 6: In the first box in that window, enter [SPAM]. Click "Add". Click OK.
Will return to the previous window. The third box now contains the text: Apply this rule after the message arrives where the subject line contains [SPAM] "Delete

Step 7: In the fourth rowEnter a descriptive name for the spam filter. I use "Remove [SPAM]" rule. Click the OK button.
After clicking OK, you are taken back to the window message rules. Click OK and you will add a filter. Well Done.

To my knowledge, there is no limit to the number of filters that can be applied. It 'important to remember is that the filter does not discriminate. If the result returns true, then apply the action (Delete in this case).

Happy filtering.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

How to Keep Your e-mail blocked by spam filters

You stand a much better chance of your email message behind the keeper software SPAM, if you follow these guidelines:

- E-mail headers that are correct

Never use false "From" address, make sure your e-mail accurately reflects the actual server name, e-mail, and never use the recipient participating in the "A". Mail to "subscribers" or other fictitious name is almost guaranteed to have received as SPAM.

- Make sure your domainThe mail servers are online

Some spam software is that the "From" and "Return To check" address is mapped to a mail server IP address, which can actually be achieved. Not relay mail through multiple servers, even if you have permission.

- Use SPF

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an additional protection, sent by spammers to send e-mail bans on the server and do like them. By blocking this type of threat to reduce the likelihoodland on SPAM blacklists for crimes he did not commit. Ask your provider if SPF is available and how they are made.

- Email Formatting

Make sure that you create technically invalid HTML code that uses the MIME type, and tags. Avoid generating HTML FrontPage as the HTML e-mail messages.

- Take care with warnings ...

Avoid adding disclaimers like "This is not spam" or citing references to the nonexistent state rules or laws. YouAdding footers every message, the CAN-SPAM Act or e-mail marketing laws in your country required.

- Use regular sets and layouts

Do not use excessive spacing between sentences and to avoid excessive capitalization or punctuation, especially the exclamation point (!).

- Do not Try To Be Tricky with spelling

Tips how to write freely about not fool the latest generation of software to spam. Nor is the use of alternate characters and other gimmicks like L @ @ KATHIS!

- The text invisible is a no, no!

Make sure that the text color as the background color of differently. The experiment, words, being the same color, the message marked as spam Hide.

- Never use invisible graphics

When you add a graphic to represent the track open rate, make sure that you create a book invisible or transparent. This will be an error in the timing of SPAM mail lady. Use to replace a small image of a point or anotherNormal graphics. Keep the file size under 50k.

- Idea: If you are an HTML e-mail, do not use invisible web bugs to monitor your e-mail. If you need your e-mail and check if they are light, use the images visible as part of your e-mail, not invisible graphics.

- Offer text, HTML, except --

Always a plain text message in the HTML message for the benefit of those who can not receive HTML e-mail and spam checker to analyze. Trythe message as close to the text of the HTML as possible. The more different than anyone else the news is the more likely it is to be labeled as spam.

- Meeting the careful use of the tools

Do not use a bulk mail software, spammers. This includes in particular any software that claims to have "stealth list. When you open HTML e-mails containing the text, keep the e-mail as well as for recipients (and anti-spam-checker), and that the text as close toHTML copy as possible. The more you are connected, the less likely that your spam e-mails are considered.

SpamAssassin, one of the most commonly used anti-SPAM software, has released this list of SPAM "Sins" that the following aspects:

- The body of the message contains a tracking number ID

- The message body contains a large block of hexadecimal code

- Body of message contains one or more lines of "scream" (ie, all in uppercase)

- Message includes Microsoftexecutable

- The body of the message contains at least 70 percent blank lines

- Message header indicates that the message was sent directly from dynamic IP address

- Message field does not appear to contain a real name

- Message From field ends in numbers

- Message header contains numbers mixed with letters

- Subject matter, the term "offer"

- Message to: field contains spaces

- In response to a message box is empty

- Subject has exclamation points and question marks

- The subject is all uppercase

- Subject starts with one days of advertising

- Message From: field contains the word "friend"

- Subject contains "as is"

- Subject begins with dollar amount

- Subject contains "Double Your"

- Subject contains "because only"

- Subject contains "FREE"

- Subject contains "Free Instant"

- Message contains too many images withoutmuch text

- The message text contains the word "Nobody's Perfect"

- The body of the message, not assert as spam

It 'hard enough, delivered via e-mail in those days. It makes no sense, complicates the problem by marking messages as spam, if they are not.

The next chapter is jam packed with resources, tools and information to take your suggestion, we can follow up and marketing e-mail to the next level.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Determining spam

The spread of spam will continue to the extent that makes profit. If nobody buys from spammers or acts to their scams, spam will end. This is the most obvious and easiest way to fight spam. You can ignore and delete spam emails you receive. You can also take revenge from spammers complaint with the spammer's Internet Service Provider (ISP). The ISP) is their connection, and perhaps with a fine (depending on your ISP's Acceptable Use Policy. Attention Spammerssuch complaints and try to hide their messages. Therefore, the right ISP is not always easy.

See in a spam message. Every email message consists of two parts, the body and head. The body is the actual text message and attachments. The header is a way of managing the message. The header shows the address of the sender of the message, the address of the recipient of the message, the message subject and other information. E-mail programs generally show thatHeader fields

From: shows the sender's name and e-mail.

A: shows the recipient's name and e-mail.

Date: shows the date on which the message was sent.

Subject: shows the message subject.

From: field usually contains the sender of the e-mail. In this way you can know who sent the message and allows you to respond. Spammers, of course, I will not reply and do not want you to know who they are. Therefore,have made false e-mail addresses in the From: lines of their e-mail. Thus, the From: field does not help you determine if you where the mail is spam.

Just as a check point is going through a number of post offices, before the recipient of an email message is sent to be processed by several mail servers. Each mail server adds a row in the header of the message - a message received: the line - contains

- The server name and IP address of the computer, the server has received theMessage out and

- The name of the mail server itself.

Each line Received: headers at the top of the message added. If we take the message of the path from sender to receiver to play as, starting from the top Received: header and go down to the last, where the e-mail that has been created.

Just as the From: field the Received: lines may contain falsified information for those who want to track the crazy spammers. Since every mail server insertsReceived: line at the top of the header analysis starts from the top.

The Received: lines are usually forged by spammers seem normal fields Received:. You can hardly tell whether the Received: line is fake or not before, at first sight. We should all Received: lines chain to analyze to understand a fake Received: field.

As we have said, all the mail server keeps track of not only his name, but also the computer's IP address, has received the message. We must try to convenience, whichName of a server uses and what does the next server in the chain. If the server does not match, the first Received: line is forged.

The origin of the e-mail address is what the server immediately after the said forged Received: line, where he received the message.

Let's see how to determine the origin of spam e-mail works in real life. Here's the header of the spam message is that we received recently:


Return-Path: <>


Received: from unknown (HELO ( by mail1.myserver.xx with
SMTP; November 7, 2006 10:54:16 -0000

Received: from 164,145,240,209 to; Tue, 07 Nov 2006 05:53:35 -0500

Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 12:48:35 +0200

From: Pharmacy <>

Reply-To: umceqhzjmndfy <>

X-Priority: 3(Normal)

Message-ID: <@ 15,216,897.20061108040652>


Subject: Cheap Med * s V! Many Agra Med_s QnNXpRy9

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text / html; charset = us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


At first, watching the tennis false:. The e-mail address in the From: and Reply-To: lines do not exist. So the spammer took careBounced messages over the line and all the outraged responses to a non-existent people can e-mail account.

Secondly, the line item. It contains the changes Meds "and" Viagra ", words that are known to be fulfilled in spam messages. Plus, it contains the subject of a series of random characters. It is obvious that the object is cleverly designed to deceive spam filters.

Finally, we analyze the Received: lines. We start with the oldest - Received: from164,145,240,209 of; Tue, 07 Nov 2006 05:53:35 -0500. There are two IP addresses in it: says it received the news of 164,145,240,209.

We check whether the next (and last, in this case), the mail server in the chain confirms the state of the first Received line:. Received in the second field, we have: Received: from unknown (HELO ( by mail1.myserver.xx with SMTP; November 7, 2006 10:54:16 -0000.

mail1.myserver.xx is our server and wetrust. Received the news a "unknown" host, who says that is the IP address Yes, confirmed that the front says Received:.

Now we want to know where our mail server is the message. To this end, we mail1.myserver.xx the IP address in brackets before the name of the server. Is This is the IP address of the connection was made, and is not The spam from is important to note that not necessarily mean that the spammers computer and sending spam is sitting on the world. It allows the owner of the computer did not even imagine that spam. The computer can be replaced by a spam Trojan, the spread is not the owner of the machine is to know, are abducted.

We hope this information helps you, the spammer's ISP and they report on spam, so they can take appropriate action.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

E-Mail Marketing - Warning Signs You Have Outgrown Your SMTP server

E-mail marketing continues to be a viable alternative not only to advertising and marketing of products offers its customers to grow, but also as a way for a dialogue with customers who continue to keep working and going to websites. To increase this combination offers, advertisements, newsletters and begin your monthly e-mail volume. E 'at this point that some of the challenges of sending mass e-mail on the Internet, starting, especially on e-mailare among the major Internet providers like Yahoo, Hotmail and AOL. We begin to realize that you have in infrastructure that may not be enough time, the level of the process of e-mail is. Your e-mail is always in queue for hours or a few e-mail delivery stops always adhere to the Hotmail address. When this happens, you may need to consider upgrading to a new level of commercially available software for e-mail.

One of the most important parts of a system of e-mail marketing is the SMTP --Server. Why is this server is so important? The SMTP server or MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) is the engine for sending mass e-mail system. This server receives e-mail your application by e-mail marketing generates, is intended to provide the e-mail domains to and provides transportation and delivery of these messages to different e-mail domains, based on the list. Without the SMTP server, your e-mail is not from your own site. Photo of a group of United Nations handed over the envelopes that are on the table onlybecause there is no postal sorting and delivery to their destination. In the early days of e-mail marketing, as the quantities were much smaller, many people turned in their internal mail servers such as Exchange, or they are freely available SMTP servers such as Sendmail, Postfix or Microsoft IIS SMTP server.

But with the use of e-mail for advertising purposes and went, two things began to happen. One was that built in-house email systems for personal e-mailCommunication began to break, because they were not built to manage large amounts of bulk e-mail. Secondly, the freely available SMTP server was not able to provide adequately with the challenges, sending mass e-mail to the main consumers of ISP domain. These challenges include the handling of e-mail bounces, reducing e-mail to specified areas, and support for e-mail authentication standards including DomainKeys, DKIM, ID, and SPF.

Here are some signs to look for problemsBy

Long delivery

One of the main reasons for you to long delivery times even for a thousand different e-mail is the experience that the SMTP server is not easy to compete with the burden not only the analysis of your e-mail, but also with all DNS queries that must take place during childbirth. A second reason you may experience long delivery times is that your ISP gives you is to return your e-mail. E-mail will be delayed for severalReasons: 1) the combination of your To, From and IP address are not familiar with the ISP, such as an anti-spam technology will move temporarily to e-mail from your IP address and 2) the SMTP server sends e -- - Send to a vote, which is on the threshold of Internet service providers, allowing them to temporarily move back e-mail from your IP address.

Will not be delivered mail to certain domains

When e-mail is addressed to a specific domain, such as or notdone, so this may mean that your ISP has set your IP address on a blacklist. This can happen for several reasons. One reason is that your e-mail generated too many complaints from users, to see people your e-mail will be classified as spam. Another reason could be that your e-mail constantly at a rate above the threshold of the ISP. A service provider may choose to reject your IP address on a blacklist by IP and e-mail, provided that, if you determine that a spammer can be based onFree samples. A third reason could be that you send too many e-mail Bad to the ISP. If the list contains valid e-mail, and then continue to send bad email addresses, an ISP, you see a spammer and put your IP address on a blacklist.

E-mail responses stagnant or decline, while the volume increases

The law of averages would expect that a certain percentage of responses for the total number of entries, the number of basicResponses would increase the same percentage as the volume of email grows. If you are seeing a decline or a lump sum as an e-mail volume grows, you can indicate a general problem that exists in the delivery of your email system. The decline in deliverability can be caused by some or all of the problems discussed above. A total of delivery of e-mail may depend on many factors, including the use of authentication standard e-mail, DNS configuration, your shipmentFrequency, the quality of your list, and the regulation of your e-mail within the guidelines of your ISP.

These problems occur once your e-mail approaches several hundred thousand to several million per month. Freely available and inexpensive to support SMTP servers were never engineered a high level of e-mail delivery problems or about the delivery of e-mail for ISPs more important. Imagine a look at the enterprise level, available on the market or an SMTP serverHosted SMTP relay service provider, which were built for the needs of both high efficiency and ability to deliver high to protect your e-mail marketing investments.

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Way better to reinstall Windows XP

If you used the computer for some time, you will have noticed some flaws in Windows operating system from Microsoft. This might be corrupted because the system files, disk errors or viruses. But whatever the cause, the easiest remedy would be to perform a clean installation of Windows.

Before starting the installation of Windows XP, there are some things you must do. First, locate the Windows CD (the one with the PC) has come and the CD for the software application.If you do not have a Windows CD, then you have other options to be discussed later. So look for the instructions to configure the network settings, which are usually sent from your ISP. Then select the backup copies of important programs such as antivirus and firewall. Also copy the contents of the folder according to their personal files and data to save even more critical in any type of removable media. You can also collect installers for the latest driversPC hardware, such as the graphics card.

After you have completed all preparations, you are ready for installation. Insert the Windows CD and restart the system. If you do not have a Windows CD, then you can access important files that you need in a hidden partition on your hard drive. Just press the indicated key when you restart, but before Windows is loaded. Since the keys vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, helps to turn your PC manufacturer if you do not see the command prompt.

In severalCases the only available option to "restore the disk to factory conditions." This means the loss of all files on your PC. Therefore, you should make backups of important data folders in the first place. But if you use Microsoft Windows XP installation CD, you get more options for keeping files and settings. This is very useful because it creates a copy of everything and start all over again.

The next step would be to reconfigure the network connections, install someDriver and XP updates and other applications manually. Here you'll get pre-prepared for installation, with instructions for configuring the Internet connection, restore the connection to the Internet. Then install and update your anti-spyware, anti-virus and firewall. Then open the Device Manager to see which device drivers need updates. This is indicated by a yellow question mark or a red exclamation point. Yellow question mark means that the device is used in general anda red exclamation point indicates that the device does not work. Also update the drivers for printers, video cards and sound cards.

Next, visit Microsoft Windows Update Web site. Click Start, Windows Update, and then follow the instructions that tell you. Then, more MB download updates, so it might be a good idea to check the diversion while your PC is being downloaded. Once the download is complete, you can reinstall and update programs.

After restoring and updatingimportant applications, you start to replace your data. With the copies you made before transferring back where originally found. Congratulate you as you have just learned how to reinstall Windows XP.

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Friday, January 8, 2010

E-mail, ISP, and the headache

Recently, I received a phone call of support from a customer who was not receiving mail from one of its partners. After some lengthy troubleshooting, we found that) the partner, the Internet Service Providers (ISPs on blacklist some of the spam has been made public. This really was a shock for us, because the ISP is a very big company telecommunications in the South.

Since customer service is our goal, we will not allow the question of how someone else's problem, we triedWorking with your ISP to solve their problem. Imagine our shock when the ISP told us that the problem was known, had no intention of solving it, and sorry for the inconvenience. "

I tell this story because it reminds one of the biggest problems with lighting ISP 'if the free add-on e-mail, but the story gets even better.

We decided to use a service fee for SMTP e-mail (SMTP stands for Simple Mail Transmission Protocol and is theuse of electronic language for e-) to move the mail on the Internet. We signed with the service and configuring the email client, mail to the new service to send too. Once again, we shot down. The ISP was blocking all SMTP traffic through their union, which does not go to their server.

Finally solved the problem with the customer, both short term and long-term solution that does not require that you have conducted an internal host their own mail server.

What do we have shown thatAlso the largest ISP's sometimes the easy way out, instead of the correct way to find solutions, and sometimes, free add-on services in e-mails are not the best solution for e-view of a company e-mail, a important business tool.

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

My e-mail are not delivered to. Listings in black and white lists Explained.

Approximately 40% of all e-mail in its marketing campaign
are not delivered. They can not even be aware
so many ISPs are not sent a message to bounce. Indeed
Sending messages to AOL customers, AOL is now
Block over 80% of messages coming into their servers.

One of the main reasons this happens is that your
IP address or domain can be blacklisted. All major ISPs, and many companies
E-mail systems of control against timeBlacklists and refuses
no e-mail for delivery from an IP that is black

But what exactly is a "black list?

DNS blacklists are lists of domains and IP known to be
Originate spam. Many anti-spam software are
Businesses and use your ISP's these lists to control spam
rejecting any message that comes from one of these areas
or IP.

Unfortunately, there are many cases of false positives, as
thereThere are few checks and often little objectivity when listing
a specific IP. To know to a blacklist that
Domain is the sending of spam, should be reported to the offense.
E 'can list only a progress report in a web form for you.

It is possible danger from a complaint filed by a customer list
or to a competitor. Many blacklists, as well,
not only lists the IP, there is a suspected spam, but
List of all IP addresses in this range. Ifsomeone with
ISP same way as you is accused of spamming and is
on a black list, it can also be listed.

DNS blacklists are usually maintained by anti-spam organizations
or individuals.

What are some of the most popular Black Lists that ISPs are using?

Some of them include:


Spam Cop -

Spamhaus - --[] - Open Relay Database - []

How do I know if I am on a "blacklist" I?

Unfortunately, we must be really not 100% sure if
been blacklisted. It is possible that someone in the blacklist
and not even know. However, there is consider ways of
Most of the lists.

One possibility is to check the server log when you send your
Campaigns. You will often see an e-mail bounce
indicates that the message back on the scenebecause
are of a "black list".

Many of the major blacklists can also enter your IP --
in a form on their website. These checks will tell
Whether or not they appear on their list.

A useful tool is the "black list" monitor. - It automatically checks
Your IP against most of the major blacklists, and tells
which are listed. It also gives help
removed for ever. All your IP areContinuous monitoring
have been changes, announcements or deleted.

But what is a White List and how can it help?

Many companies and ISPs will be a white list. This
is a list of trusted IP addresses, which they feel safe
not send spam to its customers. If your IP is listed
in a particular white list then e-mail are
target e-mail address you provided. It is
important for marketing to work with the estimablemajor
ISPs like AOL, make sure you are listed on their whitelist.
Pay for the most part, can be a long process, but

Another third of third-party email certification programs are now available. Bonded Sender is a body like that. With the accession
Bonded Sender, senders improve deliverability rates and
Differentiate their brand. To go through a formal
Application process, and by the standards of e-mail
Bond from possibleSymptoms. Major Internet service providers, as
MSN / Hotmail now check against Bond white list the sender and the
E-mail this to happen.

Knowing when you are on a blacklist, always removed when you
and will always be found on the white list, critical
If you send an e-mail marketing. Messages sent to multiple corresponding
more sales!

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How To Become A Professional Blogger - An Introduction

Today, weblogs completely changed what was a decade back. Daily sprout thousands of new blogs on various topics, some of which are created by fans, some are corporate blogs to promote their activities and some are dedicated to the professional blog on a specific niche solely to make money off of it. Professional blogging is an art as science. Many aspiring bloggers who are struggling to take it as a profession, who want to make their presence feltbeginning in the blogosphere. If we follow exactly the bloggers mentioned above, we find some common features inherent in them, always helps to influence bloggers. Let's see what it takes to become a professional blogger. Before you start your blogging adventure, you need to ask some fundamental questions about him.

I am a writer?

I can dedicate enough time for blogging?

Am Web Savvy?

I have the money to payMy ISP and hosting to start changing up my blog, I exist?

On what topic (niche), I blog?

Content creation: How can I do this?

This is an essential quality of a good blogger. Content, useful capacity that attracts readers to write to you apart from your colleagues and your power over the niche is well established. Write an article killer is not an easy task. 've Already read this famous phrase, "Contentis the king. "No matter how your blog looks beautiful, if not continue writing skills, is not attracting readers to your blog to succeed.

Time Management: How can I blog daily?

If you do not spend at least 3-4 hours a day to your blog, more is not at all. Your readers and Web crawlers need new content from your blog to a relatively constant pace, and only then one can expect that some influx of targeted visitors to yourBlog.

Web Savvy: I need technical mind?

If you are not aware of the web, then you're a dead duck in blogoshpere. To get your blog a step ahead of your competitors blog, you must provide all the technical knowledge needed to grow and your blog, like SEO, a bit 'of basic HTML and PHP programming, web hosting and Concepts of very basic to spread out more. If you are the zeal, the filter network and absorb, they must dig the technical knowledge, it will be easierHave your blog ranked higher in the niche.

Funds: Can I keep a blog (for a few months) from the bag?

From a professional blog address subdomain free hosting service is not an option wise. If you are serious about the money from your blog, a higher level. Com domain with paid hosting service that gives you complete control over your blog.

Niche: What can I endlessly blog?

Always choose a topic to which he has personal interestand look forward with passion about them. You will find a reason for constant, without losing the blog of interest. But before you choose your niche blog, you need to do some research to do. If the topic you want a low volume of research in the major search engines and not a good base in key providers of PPC programs, so no matter how you are in your niche, you will not be able to earn decent money.

Earning money from your blog takes hard work and time. There are no shortcuts. If you decide toGo for it, do it with passion and work on it indefinitely for at least one or two years and the yield is very, very promising. Good luck ...

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How to choose a wireless modem for your desktop

Wireless modem is a device that allows the computer desktop to the Internet in your home or office access.

There are numerous wireless modems for your desktop. Not so easy to choose the right type for your desktop. This article provides the steps to the right path, so to read.

You can use your internet provider to ask if you have the opportunity to purchase a compatible wireless modem for your desktop. The compatibility with your Internet Serviceif you can save time and can be easily verified.

Otherwise, you can wireless modem as soon as the purchase price on-line how to compare the different and even offline. Usually there are sites that offer these lower prices. Just search for these sites from search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. You can search for online stores such as CompUSA, BestBuy and Circuit City and so on.

Referring to a buyer's guide and tips online, you can find out morethe different prices and features of wireless modem for your desktop. The best thing you should do, compare prices and features of different wireless modem. You should read better, and reviews of wireless modems and compare prices of different brands. NexTag, Windows Marketplace, mySimon, some of the popular leaders of the buyer.

If not satisfied, if not yet in line with other offers, you can go shopping and find the best deals. Many companies offerInternet access includes a wireless modem for free, but of course you must sign and agree to the Wireless Internet Service Provider for several months.

USB and Ethernet cable for connection, backward equipment, improved security, PC and Mac compatibility, the depth, breadth, are port connector and the slot type of features that should have a wireless modem, you must sure that the wireless modem has all these features.

External and internal are the two typesmodems. You must make sure your computer with the modem type that was selected and purchased compatible.

The three types of networks that are widely used CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), CDPD (Cellular Digital Packet Data) and GPRS (General Packet Radio Service). So you have to please first type of network that can access the Internet service provider, and then buy the wireless modem that is compatible with the network by your ISP.

To ensuretheir compatibility with the wireless desktop modems, you must confirm the transfer speed on your network. As, for example, if you have a GPRS network of Internet services, you must make sure that your desktop wireless modem capable of maintaining a speed of up to 56 kilobits per second.

You need a wireless modem that you can choose adequate coverage. How, for example, if you have GPRS network of Internet services, providing access to the Internet in international places then you shouldThe purchase of a wireless modem that has an international focus.

They have a wireless modem to select a compatible interface with the desktop computer there.

This article has presented a few steps that can help you choose as the right wireless modem for your desktop.

Eliza Maledevic

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Media - Music Copyright - ISP liability for file sharing

A coalition of music industry bodies, including the Alliance MCPRS and the Association of Independent Music, is lobbying for intellectual property amended to allow Internet Service Provider (ISP) should be sued for illegal file sharing on their networks. Commentators have said that their efforts are wrong and not economically feasible. Currently, ISP s' are not obliged to use the contents of their networks much in the same way that telephone companies that are not for the policeLiability for obscene calls.

The problem stems from the fact that file sharing is the main reason why a growing number of broadband users, and is a lot of bandwidth, the provider to sell to their customers in office. If file sharing is banned, to lose your ISP would be a significant percentage of their income. The crucial point is that attempts to use the content of millions of people that the police would be difficult and very expensive.

Until now, the music industrytrying to share file-sharing fight through the pursuit of individual users, large libraries of copyrighted material. File sharing is only illegal copyrighted material if they have released. Recently, the British Phonographic Industry to convince the two ISP - Tiscali and Cable & Wireless trying - to suspend the accounts of 59 users, but without success.

It should also be noted that, under the Data Protection Act, Internet service providers to prevent the disclosure by a third party the names ofUsers without their permission or a court order. This means that the identification of the owner of a copyright generally only capable of criminals by an IP address. When a copyright owner who wants to sue an offender must first force the ISP for the name of the offender to disclose the results to the specific IP address to function. There is a precedent from 1970 comes Norwich Pharmacal case, which may be applicable in such circumstances. The former states that an allowable(which may be a copyright holder to sue) to B (CAN) completely innocent force ISPs to identify the culprits from B to C (which may file sharing). This precedent has been invoked successfully in cases of defamation online, and can potentially be used to identify file sharers very active a.

There were also indications that the ISP could become a provider of licensed music service. However, it seems economically feasible. First, it is not part of an ISP 'sTry another ISP core business and "working with the music industry to agree to licensing fees has up to now not possible.

Comment: With regard to the law we see much better for the music industry that the technology has improved to the point where a change in the distribution of music is now necessary. You should use our website, rather than the police - is a recent example of Apple I-Tunes. If you can downloadlicensed, versions of good quality (maybe with the bundle 'Extras') at an affordable cost illegal file-sharing may become less attractive.

Please contact us for more information on Music Copyright on

Http: / / Visit or

© RT Coopers, 2006. This note gives no comprehensive or complete statement of the law on matters that can not be discussedit constitutes legal advice. It's all about general issues. Specialist advice should always be sought in the legal relation to the particular situation.

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

What does the error really?

Navigating a lot in network "for about 10 minutes to rate
high that it is a problem in one way or touch

If the error message displayed on the local computer or
loaded on a Web site in your browser, knowing what the
Error means can help to solve the problem much faster
and avoid hours of frustration (especially in a situation
If you want to do anything) to solve the problem.

The following are some of the most common mistakes are
Newsmay occur, while browsing the Internet and
what (if anything) you can do to remedy the situation.

Error: 404 File Not Found

That is, the Web server can not find the file or Web
requested page, drag in your web browser.

Almost everything can be done will correct this situation.
Tip: consult your browser's Refresh button to see "if
the page is loaded. Otherwise, e-mail to the site manager
let them know the problem and then moveon.

Error: 500 Internal Error

This error typically occurs when you fill out a form on a
Web page (contact form, shopping cart, feedback form) and
Click "Submit.

That is, the server or script handling the form
The server has a big problem. Again, there is nothing
You can only do e-mail address of the owner of the site and move forward.

Among other things, re-submit the form a dozen times and hit
The hand on the keyboard, and screaming in yourMonitor
not solve the problem!

Error: 408 Request timeout

This error typically occurs when you try to download a huge archive
Large files or a Web page and for some reason, the
Connection has been exceeded.

Easy to browser refresh button and it should
you get the download again where you left off.

If not, contact the owner of the site and inform them about
Problem or try again later.

Error: Host not available

A cup of coffee on them andreread

You can try to suggest the Refresh button a few
Times, but means for all intents and purposes, this is the
server is down.

Once again, in a few minutes on the off chance that you tried to tip
Access to the site and the owners were restarting the
Server or temporarily disconnected from the network.

If this fails, the phone most of Guess
Measures to improve the website please contact the owner, because it is a safeBet
their e-mail does not work.

Error: Unable to find Host

This message usually means one of three things: the web
Server closes the connection to the Internet is dead,
the web address incorrectly.

To solve the problem, try typing in the Web --
In the address bar of your browser is displayed. If this does not
Working to try to ensure navigate to another site, in order,
The connection is active.

If you can not load any web page, please contact yourInternet
Service Provider (ISP) for technical assistance.

In general, if an error occurs while
Surfing the web, try these steps for the correction

1. Click the Refresh button in your browser.

2. Make sure you have typed the correct URL (web address)

3. Close and restart your Web browser completely.

4. Contact with the web site exists to advise them the problem
or ask for help.

5. Contact your ISPHelp.

(c) Jim Edwards - All Rights Reserved


Friday, January 1, 2010

How to set up a remote connection in Windows 95 and 98

If you have a Windows 95 or 98, establishing a dial-up manual is quite simple. You need a fixed telephone network service, your username and password for the dial-up Internet service to opt for a local access number, telephone ((preferably about 4-6 meters or less), and a line -- modem, of course, you can probably the one already installed on your computer). You must have the phone connected to the telephone jack in the wall of the telephone service, and theConnect other end to the back of your computer or your modem and the modem is connected to the computer.

1. First, open My Computer. It is likely that this is a shortcut on the desktop or Start menu. You can open the icons by double clicking on it or right mouse button on him, then left-click "Open."

2. Next, open Dial-up Networking. You can see all the links (if any) that are currently installed on your computer. If you used a previousDial-up, is here. You can dial-up with the right mouse button on it, then remove to delete. You also see an icon with the name "Make New Connection" in this folder.

3. Double click on "Create New Connection". You will now be conducted through the New Connection Wizard. The steps that follow are some basic questions about the connection options.

4. The bottom line: "Enter a name for your computer that consists, to put the name of your Internet service provider, theProvides internet service. You can have any name in this field that you want to use, for example, if you can make two different dialers, distinguishing between the two, giving them the name of connection. For example, at home, "type" for the connection that you use when you are at home, between this and the connection you use to differentiate your computer when you are working or on vacation, so take

5. On the same page you will find the heading "Choose to display a device." This is to choose what Modem to use for this connection. In general, you have to do anything, because here you only have a modem, or is already the standard modem for you. If you use a modem other than those who came initially to work with your computer, select from the dropdown menu, or choose to ignore this step.

6. Click Next. Now the area is the kind you see in the access number of the remote ISP. They should be a series of receiving your> ISP when you log in, or select one from their database on their website. You should call your ISP if you do not have the access number. If there is to choose several numbers, all write and store in a safe place where you want to change the access numbers, or reset the dial-up later. Then call your telephone company to ensure that access is the numbers that you want to use local. If not, be charged long distance for allMinutes can be found on the Internet. Internet service providers will try to give a local line-in number, but have no way to guarantee this for you, then it is your responsibility to review this!
7. Enter the dial-in number to join the "telephone" room in the same way you would if you dial a local number. If the area code to call a local number, enter the phone number for an area like this, so that the vacuum field code area. You do not need to use the space for the area code, because youDisable dialing rules in a later step. Most 's ISP is no longer under the rules of composition, which were established when the computer's operating system has been built.

8. Click Next. You receive a message that the connection is complete.

9. Click Finish. Returned to Dial-Up Networking window, where they were before. Now you need some computer settings, the change from the time the default operating system for the first timeconstructed.

10. Right-click the connection just made, and with the left mouse button, click Properties. In the middle of this page you will find a code "area of use and dialing rules, see" option, which is a checkmark in the box on the left side.

11. Click in the box, uncheck the box and click on the tab "Server Types" at the top of the page. The only things that allow her to be examined on this page, "software compression" and "TCP / IP". You can disable all other options, which are examined in thisSide. Click OK.

12. Right-click the connection you just created and click on "Create Shortcut" if you want to create an icon for the connection to the desktop. You will see a pop-up alert to receive, "Windows can not create a link here, you may want to put a shortcut on the desktop instead?" Click Yes

13. Now the connection is established. Close the "Dial-up Networking" and open the new shortcut to the connection on your desktop. You will be prompted to enter your username and password. OnceThey have done this, check Save Password if you want, and click Connect.

14. You will receive a short message that will disappear from the party, and then the window is. You can now your browser to view web pages, or receive your e-mail client e-mails. If you can connect for any reason, you should contact your ISP or a local technician to solve any problem occurs when you do not solve the problem immediately. If you receive an error message, writeInternet service provider before calling.

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