Friday, January 1, 2010

How to set up a remote connection in Windows 95 and 98

If you have a Windows 95 or 98, establishing a dial-up manual is quite simple. You need a fixed telephone network service, your username and password for the dial-up Internet service to opt for a local access number, telephone ((preferably about 4-6 meters or less), and a line -- modem, of course, you can probably the one already installed on your computer). You must have the phone connected to the telephone jack in the wall of the telephone service, and theConnect other end to the back of your computer or your modem and the modem is connected to the computer.

1. First, open My Computer. It is likely that this is a shortcut on the desktop or Start menu. You can open the icons by double clicking on it or right mouse button on him, then left-click "Open."

2. Next, open Dial-up Networking. You can see all the links (if any) that are currently installed on your computer. If you used a previousDial-up, is here. You can dial-up with the right mouse button on it, then remove to delete. You also see an icon with the name "Make New Connection" in this folder.

3. Double click on "Create New Connection". You will now be conducted through the New Connection Wizard. The steps that follow are some basic questions about the connection options.

4. The bottom line: "Enter a name for your computer that consists, to put the name of your Internet service provider, theProvides internet service. You can have any name in this field that you want to use, for example, if you can make two different dialers, distinguishing between the two, giving them the name of connection. For example, at home, "type" for the connection that you use when you are at home, between this and the connection you use to differentiate your computer when you are working or on vacation, so take

5. On the same page you will find the heading "Choose to display a device." This is to choose what Modem to use for this connection. In general, you have to do anything, because here you only have a modem, or is already the standard modem for you. If you use a modem other than those who came initially to work with your computer, select from the dropdown menu, or choose to ignore this step.

6. Click Next. Now the area is the kind you see in the access number of the remote ISP. They should be a series of receiving your> ISP when you log in, or select one from their database on their website. You should call your ISP if you do not have the access number. If there is to choose several numbers, all write and store in a safe place where you want to change the access numbers, or reset the dial-up later. Then call your telephone company to ensure that access is the numbers that you want to use local. If not, be charged long distance for allMinutes can be found on the Internet. Internet service providers will try to give a local line-in number, but have no way to guarantee this for you, then it is your responsibility to review this!
7. Enter the dial-in number to join the "telephone" room in the same way you would if you dial a local number. If the area code to call a local number, enter the phone number for an area like this, so that the vacuum field code area. You do not need to use the space for the area code, because youDisable dialing rules in a later step. Most 's ISP is no longer under the rules of composition, which were established when the computer's operating system has been built.

8. Click Next. You receive a message that the connection is complete.

9. Click Finish. Returned to Dial-Up Networking window, where they were before. Now you need some computer settings, the change from the time the default operating system for the first timeconstructed.

10. Right-click the connection just made, and with the left mouse button, click Properties. In the middle of this page you will find a code "area of use and dialing rules, see" option, which is a checkmark in the box on the left side.

11. Click in the box, uncheck the box and click on the tab "Server Types" at the top of the page. The only things that allow her to be examined on this page, "software compression" and "TCP / IP". You can disable all other options, which are examined in thisSide. Click OK.

12. Right-click the connection you just created and click on "Create Shortcut" if you want to create an icon for the connection to the desktop. You will see a pop-up alert to receive, "Windows can not create a link here, you may want to put a shortcut on the desktop instead?" Click Yes

13. Now the connection is established. Close the "Dial-up Networking" and open the new shortcut to the connection on your desktop. You will be prompted to enter your username and password. OnceThey have done this, check Save Password if you want, and click Connect.

14. You will receive a short message that will disappear from the party, and then the window is. You can now your browser to view web pages, or receive your e-mail client e-mails. If you can connect for any reason, you should contact your ISP or a local technician to solve any problem occurs when you do not solve the problem immediately. If you receive an error message, writeInternet service provider before calling.

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